

因暑期回国,特超价出租Campus Hill 两室一厅一卫公寓!公寓内各种家具一应俱全,24
小时热水、电视、网络和空调等一站式体验。本公寓配备豪华厨房,微波炉、烤箱以及洗碗机等便利设施尽情享用。Campus Hill公寓位于黄金地段,出门步行
30,随时有车有座,四通八达。Campus Hill公寓租户基本都是MSU 研究生以及在校高年级本科生学生,平时十分安静,不必担心受到噪音干扰。


地点:Campus Hill Apartment,位于5031 Campus Hill Dr., Grand River Avenue.


价格:$850/月,对于长期租户(如2-3月),价格狂降至$800/月且免除一切电费和上网费等,绝对good deal

联系方式: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]

 Nice apartment for Sublease! (May 15th to August 15th *time is negotiable*)

Hello everyone,

My roommate and I will move out of town this summer, so our apartment is
available for sublease. This is a 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom apartment in
Campus Hill Apartment, which locates in 5031 Campus Hill Drive, Grand River
Avenue. It is within 15 min’s walk to Okemos Meijer as well as 10 min’s
walk to Oriental Mall. The transportation is perfect here. If you have a
car, it’s only 5 to 8 min drive to the center of MSU. If you don’t, you can
choose taking CATA Route 1 which is just beside the Campus Hill Apartment.
Route 1 provides high frequency service here. So basically every 10 to 15
min you will see a bus, even in the summer vacation.

Our apartment is clean and tidy without smokers and pets (Campus Hill
Apartment is actually a pets-friendly apartment). So feel free to bring
your lovely pets here. For leasing, we ask 850$/month. We provide cable,
internet, TV, air conditioner, beds, desks, chairs, closets, stove,
microwave, and oven, basically everything you need for everyday living. If
anyone wants to live here as long as three months, we will only charge
800$/month *plus free of charges* on electricity, parking, gas and waste
recycling. *Yes, for three-month lease customers, you don’t need to pay any
extra fees. ALL INCLUDED!*

If you are interested in subleasing, please feel free to contact us and
also we are more than happy to have you visit our apartment.

Thanks for your attention!

Contact: [log in to unmask] *or* [log in to unmask]