2013 Special Meeting on Russia and Eastern Europe
Moscow, Russia
September 19-20, 2013
Call for Papers
Submission Deadline Extended: April 19, 2013
Program Chairs: Seung Ho “Sam” Park, SKOLKOVO Business School and Alexander Settles, Faculty of Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics [log in to unmask]
Conveners: Nikolay Filinov, Dean, Faculty of Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Andrei Volkov, Dean, SKOLKOVO Business School, and Oleg Vikhanskiy Dean, Graduate School of Business, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Submission website:
Emerging markets continue to hold the interest of international business and international business scholars. However, a review of emerging market publications in top international business and management journals reveals that the vast majority of recent work in this area has focused on emerging markets outside of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Russia. This special conference attempts to partially fill this gap. The location in Moscow, as an emerging center for international business, provides a unique forum to discuss the overlooked “R” in BRICS group while giving an opportunity to explore issues related to the Russian “near abroad” and the relationship between Russia and Central and Eastern Europe.
Paper and Panel Submissions
Paper and panel submissions for the Special Meeting should address issues related to international business. All single-country studies must focus on IB-relevant topics such as MNCs, international institutions, trade, global value chains, the role of institutions, the unique characteristics of MNCs from Russia, the CIS, and Eastern Europe, FDI, entry mode, global strategies of MNC from the region, the relationships between structure, systems, culture, strategy, and firm performance, innovation, cross-cultural management issues in the region, SME development, and the development of research methods for use in emerging markets. Paper and panel submissions for AIB 2013 Special Meeting in Moscow need to be categorized into one of six topical tracks.
1. Globalization of local firms in emerging markets
Track co-chairs: William Newburry, Department of Management & International Business, Florida International University ([log in to unmask])
Galina Shirokova, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University ([log in to unmask])
This track addresses the development of emerging market firms during their process of globalization. The particular nature of emerging markets has led to innovative forms of globalization that has diverged from the development market firm historical pattern. We especially welcome studies that focus on the unique aspects of local firms operating in local and global markets to overcome location and resource deficiencies to become competitive internationally.
Keywords: Market orientation, Resource dependency, OLI, Impact of Culture on MNE Performance, National culture, Role of local culture, Firm-specific advantages, Regional strategies, International SMEs; Born-global firms; Born globals; International new ventures; Global start-ups; International entrepreneurship; Early internationalization; Rapid internationalization; International strategy for SMEs; Exporting/Importing by SMEs; International SMEs versus large MNEs; International entrepreneurial orientation; International entrepreneurial ventures; Globalization and SMEs.
2. Innovation, entrepreneurship, and learning
Track co-chairs: Marjorie A. Lyles, Indiana University Kelley School of Business ([log in to unmask])
Juha Väätänen, Lappeenranta University of Technology ([log in to unmask])
This track addresses how knowledge is created, transferred, assimilated, transformed and used. This can occur through the processes of innovation, learning, Research and Development (R&D), etc. The track will explore how MNCs and internationalizing firms learn, manage knowledge and innovate. Some examples of topics of interest include: the interactions between global and local networks for innovation; international networks for knowledge creation and exchange; the governance mechanisms for knowledge development; transfer of knowledge and/or organizational practices across borders. We especially welcome studies that address global knowledge management issues in the context of diverse and challenging institutional, political and economic environments.
Keywords: Intra-firm and inter-firm networks for innovation; Innovation in MNCs; MNCs and global innovation; MNCs and regional innovation systems; Internationalization of R&D; The role of context in learning/knowledge/innovation; Exploration vs. exploitation; Organizational learning in MNCs; Learning in international business networks; Learning across borders; Learning alliances; Global and local knowledge; Knowledge seeking; Knowledge search; Knowledge access; Knowledge acquisition; Knowledge creation; Knowledge sourcing; Knowledge exchange; Knowledge sharing; Knowledge transfer; Reverse knowledge transfer; Knowledge governance mechanisms; Knowledge strategies; R&D outsourcing/offshoring; Advanced technologies and SMEs.
3. Roles and effect of FDI in emerging markets
Track co-chairs: Ram Mudambi, Temple University ([log in to unmask])
Andrei Panibratov, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University ([log in to unmask])
This track focuses on questions related to impact of foreign direct investment on emerging markets and the FDI activities of emerging market firms.
Keywords: Theory of FDI and the MNC; Internationalization Theory; International Trade Theory; Cross-border investments; History of FDI and the MNE; Foreign direct investment policy; Foreign trade offices; Globalization; Foreign investment laws; Investment guarantees and dispute settlement; Regulating MNEs; Competitive advantage.
4. MNC strategy and performance
Track co-chairs: Torben Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School ([log in to unmask])
Igor Gurkov, National Research University Higher School of Economics ([log in to unmask])
The track focuses on questions concerning firms’ competitive interactions within product and factor markets over time. Questions to address may include: How might models of competitive advantage be adapted to emerging market context? What are the implications to firms' efforts to pursue competitive advantage and/or generate new opportunities for competitive success? How do firms retain competitive advantage when theirs, and their competitors', are increasingly shaped by external stakeholders? All contributions linked with competitive strategy (competitive dynamics, sustainability of competitive advantage) are welcome and submissions on the topic of competitive strategy.
Keywords: Global/Multidomestic/International/Transnational Strategies; International alliance; International joint ventures and alliances; Inter-firm linkage; Social capital; Parent-subsidiary relationships; Performance; Competitiveness.
5. Evolution of local institutions
Track co-chairs: Shaomin Li, Old Dominion University ([log in to unmask])
Oleg Vikhanskiy and Anna Gryaznova, Moscow State University ([log in to unmask])
This track invites manuscripts that examine how institutions influence the behavior of MNCs, domestic firms and managers and how the behaviors of these actors, in turn, shape the institutional environment. Institutions within emerging economies have a particular and substantial impact on the development of business and management practices.
Keywords: Political aspects of MNC activity; Sovereignty; Business and society; Business and the environment; Business-government interaction; Corporate political strategy; Political Aspects of MNE activity; Political Strategies; Civil society; Global institutions; Transnational institutions; NGOs; International legal domain; Regulation of MNC; Global market integration; MNCs' bargaining power; MNE-host country relations; Globalization; Political systems; History and IB; Legal systems; Financial markets; Country risk; Varieties of capitalism; Business systems; Comparative Economic Systems; Shareholder categories; Governance structure; Directorship interlocks; Upper echelons perspective; Accountability; Transparency;; White collar-crime; Corporate corruption; Corporate values; Bottom of the pyramid.
6. Management systems and corporate governance
Track co-chairs: Gerardo R. Ungson, San Francisco State University ([log in to unmask])
Nan Zhou, SKOLKOVO Business School ([log in to unmask])
This track focus on the management systems that firms have been able to develop to meet the special challenges of working in emerging markets. Studies that seek to understand the secrets of success in emerging markets and that uncover weakness of established theory and practice are encouraged.
Papers on global or comparative aspects of corporate governance and CSR are also within the domain of this track. Papers using diverse theoretical lenses that focus on a variety of levels of analysis- individual, firm, industry, regional, country and global-are encouraged. We are especially interested in studies that examine change and adoption of new practices in a changing environment.
Finally, consistent with the conference theme, we encourage submissions that bridge the gap between theory and practice, and explore links between complementary disciplines (such as political science, sociology, psychology, anthropology, business history and economics) and IB. We welcome submissions that examine how changes in the economic and institutional environments in developed and emerging economies affect traditional patterns of firm-state-NGO interactions.
Management systems; Firm success and sustainability; Financial markets; Country risk; Stakeholder capitalism; Varieties of capitalism; Business systems; Comparative Economic Systems; Shareholder categories; Governance structure; Directorship interlocks; Upper echelons perspective; Accountability; Transparency; Top management teams; Voting rights; Sustainability; Triple bottom line; Environment and strategy; Green management; White collar-crime; Corporate corruption; Corporate values; Bottom of the pyramid; Ethics and codes of conduct.
We will be accepting two types of submissions - papers and panels. All submissions will be handled through the AIB online submission system. All manuscripts and proposals must be submitted by April 19, 2013. Any questions regarding this call for papers should be addressed to Alexander Settles at [log in to unmask] .