Dear all
I’m delighted to announce publication of
International Marketing Review’s second issue of 2013. This is part 2 of a collection on ‘Internationalization patterns of SMEs’.
As part of IMR’s 30th anniversary, free access is
available here until the end of May, using these codes:
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Geographical pathways for SME internationalization: insights from an Italian sample
Authors: Alfredo D'Angelo, Antonio Majocchi, Antonella Zucchella, Trevor Buck
Article Type: Research paper
Keywords: Export performance, Exports, Geographic pathways, Human resource management, Innovation, Internationalization, Italy, Manufacturing industries, Regionalization, Small to medium-sized enterprises
Emerging market entry node pattern and experiential knowledge of small and medium-sized enterprises
Authors: Susanne Sandberg
Article Type: Research paper
Keywords: Emerging markets, Entry node, Experiential knowledge, Internationalization, Market entry, Networks, Small-to-medium-sized enterprises, Sweden
The internet as an alternative path to internationalization?
Authors: Noemi Sinkovics, Rudolf R. Sinkovics, Ruey-Jer “Bryan” Jean
Article Type: Research paper
Keywords: Born-global, Communication technologies, Exports, Information technology, International marketing, Internationalization, Internet, Performance, Psychic distance, Small to medium-sized enterprises, Virtuality trap
Strategic re-structuring by born-globals using outward and inward-oriented activity
Authors: Susan Freeman, Seyda Deligonul, Tamer Cavusgil
Article Type: Research paper
Keywords: Born-global internationalization patterns, De-internationalization, Entrepreneurs, Entry, exit and re-entry, Inward and outward-oriented activity, Management strategy, Organizational restructuring, Re-internationalization, Strategic re-structuring
Best wishes
Visit the International Marketing Review
30th anniversary website
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Dr Martyn Lawrence
International Business and Strategy
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Tel: +44 (0) 1274 785158