
The CORE-CM seminar this week is:

March 21: Juan Bisquert

Department of Physics, University Jaume I, Castello Spain
"Solar energy conversion with nanoheterostructure
The abstract is below

BPS 1400 at 12:00pm,
Pizza and cookies available at 11:45am

Phil  Duxbury
Full seminar list is at:

    Nanostructures based on inorganic semiconductor layers, molecular catalysts and colloidal quantum dots, are very promising candidates to achieve efficient solar cells and photoelectrochemical cells for the production of solar fuels. Empirical progress has been realized but fundamental methods of analysis are required to relate electronic operation to composition and structure. Here we discuss fundamental processes that induce the directionality of photogenerated electron and hole carriers towards a productive result, either electrical power or chemical fuel. We address specific mechanisms and electronic processes of dye-sensitized solar cells, organic solar cells, quantum dot solar cells, and visible light absorber semiconductor heterostructures for solar water splitting. Recent analysis based on Impedance Spectroscopy (IS) results allows to derive a simple model that works well in many cases. The model consists on a combination of recombination resistance and chemical capacitance, and it provides the separation of energetic and kinetic components of the solar cells operation. I discuss the relation between recombination resistance and capacitance of the cell measured by IS, with the j-V curve both in the dark and under (1 sun) illumination. We can provide a detailed energetic map that shows the limitation to injection (photocurrent) and split of Fermi levels (photovoltage) by recombination. We also discuss the application of impedance spectroscopy experimental and theoretical tools to identify the mechanism of operation of photoanodes for solar fuel production.