[log in to unmask]" align="left" hspace="12" alt="GBF2013.gif" v:shapes="Picture_x0020_1">Dear AIB Colleagues,


Our 7th Annual Global Business Forum at Baylor University (Waco, Texas) will run during the week after our Spring Break, March 18-22, 2013, and our theme will be Emerging Africa: Poverty Reduction and Wealth Creation. Our speakers will include:

v  Chantal Accrombessy, Ecobank Benin (largest bank network in Africa)

v  Moses Acquaah, U. of North Carolina at Greensboro

v  Cynthia Akuetteh, U.S. Department of State, Bureau of African Affairs

v  John M. Andersen, U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration

v  Constant D. Beugré, Delaware State U.

v  Stephen Hayes, CEO of Corporate Council on Africa

v  Eileen Kwesiga, Bryant U.

v  Vijay Mahajan, U. of Texas at Austin & author, “Africa Rising”

v  John Mukum Mbaku, Weber State U. & Brookings Institution

v  Isaac M. Mbiti, Southern Methodist U.

v  Megan Rapp, U.S. Agency for International Development

v  David Zoogah, Morgan State U.


See the Forum website for a full schedule, information about speakers, updates, and, later, for videos: http://www.baylor.edu/globalbusiness


All of the events are free and we hope that some of you will join us, but please register here if you will attend the keynote dinner on Wednesday, March 20, and/or the luncheon on Thursday, March 21, where seating is limited. All events will be held in the Blume Conference Center on the 5th floor of the Cashion building, located here on the Baylor Waco campus.


Please contact [log in to unmask] (phone 254-710-6048) or me if you have questions.


Best wishes,


Steve Gardner

Herman Brown Professor of Economics

Chairman, Department of Economics

Director, McBride Center for International Business

Baylor University


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