** sorry for any cross-postings **
Dear friends and colleagues:
We are in the process of revisiting the reading pack of an undergrad IB/IM course with a regional perspective. We essentially apply classic theories of international trade and international management to groups of countries and their multinationals: developing vs. developing markets, and between/within regional blocks – Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America.
We are looking for outlines of courses with a relatively similar perspective and/or references of documents (business reports, empirical papers, conceptual models…) that focus on regional phenomena.
I would appreciate it if you could email me ([log in to unmask]) any materials or references you might be able to share with us. I would be happy to summarize all inputs and share them with the list if the authors are comfortable with me doing so.
Best regards,
Ali Taleb,
Assistant Professor of Strategy & Global Management
University - School of Business
10700-104 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5J 4S2,
Phone: (780) 497-5641
E-mail: [log in to unmask]