


10th ICAFT


International Conference on Accounting and Finance in Transition


Belgrade, July 9th – 12th, 2013


(Deadline for papers May, 15th May 2013)



The 10th ICAFT will be hosted by the Serbian Association of Accountants and Auditors, and as in the previous years this international conference will devoted to exploring issues raised for accounting and finance academics, practitioners, and policy makers as a result of periods of rapid economic and social change. The conference is the tenth in a row, following earlier conferences organised in Greenwich (2003, 2005, 2007 and 2009), Kavala, Greece (2004), Adelaide, Australia (2006), Nagpur, India (2008), Pretoria (2010), and Riga, Latvia (2012).


The 10th ICAFT will examine not only those issues related to transition, in the broadest sense and its implications for the accounting and finance profession (professionals), but also all other aspects of accounting and finance affected by times of rapid social and economic change. Papers in any area of accounting and finance are welcome, especially those addressing issues such as the failure of classical accounting and finance models and methodologies to grasp the nuances of emerging markets. The conference organisers will entertain any innovative and thought-provoking paper that challenges the dominant schools of thought and offers an alternative explanation.


Papers in International Business (International Finance and Financial Strategy) are also welcome, as well as those dealing with the future of the accounting and finance professions. Comparative studies on the development of the accounting profession in emerging markets are of particular interest for one of the conference tracks. The above list of topics is by no means exhaustive, and any paper dealing with any issue facing the accounting and finance professions in the 21st century will find a positive response from the International Programme Committee.


The International Programme Committee is comprised of scholars from Australia, China and SE Asia, Europe and the United States, with a background in accounting, economics, finance, law and other social sciences, including a number of editors of learned journals. The composition of the Programme Committee demonstrates a commitment to select papers that adopt not just traditional but also multi-disciplinary approaches to accounting and finance issues. Indeed, integrative, comparative, cross-cultural, and multi-disciplinary approaches are strongly encouraged.


It is expected that there will be at least four parallels tracks focusing on Accounting, Finance, Public Policy and Accounting/Finance Information Systems. Groups of scholars and practitioners are encouraged to propose a particular session with a minimum of four papers under any of four main tracks. One of the applicants must resume the duty of the leading applicant and ensure that all the panel participants attend the conference and comply with conference regulations.


The Conference will take place in Belgrade, capital of Republic of Serbia from 9th to 12th July 2013. Hotel Park in Belgrade will be a Conference venue, and is also suggested conference hotel. The organisers have also kindly provided a list of hotels and apartments in the vicinity of the Hotel Park/Association of Accountants and Auditors of Serbia, for participants who may decide to book accommodation themselves. All accepted participants will be sent information on accommodation and other technical issues with the acceptance letter. The conference fee for the participants is EUR390 whilst doctoral students enjoy reduced fee of EUR300. Accompanying person fees is EUR290. The full conference fee will be charged to the first and second authors, whilst third, fourth, etc. co-authors will be charged accompanying person fees. The conference registrations should be submitted and paid in full before June 15th 2013. All the late registrations after June 15th will incur a late registration fee of additional EUR100.


Authors are invited to submit a full paper (in triplicate or electronically) before May, 15th 2013, although it would be desirable for the authors to contact the Selection Committee Chair by April, 1st 2013. Papers should be submitted directly to Dimitrios Maditions, Chair of the Selection Committee at [log in to unmask].


All papers will be double refereed by two anonymous referees. Notification of acceptance will be sent to all successful authors by 15th June 2013. Completed papers, taking into consideration referees’ comments, must be submitted by July 1st 2013. All accepted conference papers will be published on a conference CD-ROM. A selection of papers will be published in the 7th volume of the Accounting and Finance in Transition, while other selected papers will be published in a symposium issue of an academic journal. The selected authors have to agree to work closely with the editor (s) to ensure that their contributions are produced on time and reflect advice given by the anonymous referees and the editors and FULLY comply with ICAFT presentation style. The ICAFT is proud to announce strategic partnership with Inderscience publishers, Ltd.  journals (, and it is expected that at least one special issue of journal will be published, although depending on the quality of papers more may be prepared.


Further information is available at the conference web-site:


For further information about the conference contact:

ICAFT 2013

Serbian Association of Accountants and Auditors

Njegoševa 19/I

RS-11000 Belgrade


E-mail: [log in to unmask]


The papers should be submitted directly to the Chair of the Selection Committee at [log in to unmask]


Please note that e-mail is the most preferred mode of communication with the 10th ICAFT Organising Committee.


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