Dear AIBers
Shipping and airline services are two international services that you may be researching. If so this might be of interest.
CFP: The Marketing of Transportation Services
Research in Transportation Business and Management is issuing a CFP for papers in the marketing of transportation. Specific topics of interest may include developments in marketing concepts and application of theories to airline, car rental, taxi, bus, rail, ferry, cruise and freight/logistics services including:
- Strategy and new markets (e.g. vertical and horizontal integration and dynamic packaging in transportation services)
- Consumer behaviour and the response to marketing efforts by transportation service providers
- Product developments, such as the impact new product concepts/seats/cabins/classes have on consumer choice and can competitive advantage be protected in the long run?
- Price, developments in price discrimination and revenue management, product bundling, unbundling and ancillary services and pricing as a marketing mix element in regulated markets
- Distribution, opportunities to extend/expand markets by developing new distribution strategies, social media and the future of airline promotion and distribution and how apps offer new sales markets and create brand preference
- Promotion/branding, branding transportation services, transportation services marketing budgets, land leveraging social media opportunities to grow a transportation business.
- People and processes (e.g. “Our people are our strongest marketing weapon”, product delivery and outsourced work-staff, strategic choices, management issues and best practice).
- Employee empowerment or prescribed process delivery
- Process improvements to increase the value of time definite services
The full Call for papers is available at:
Please contact the volume editors (above) if this is of interest to you.
Mary R. Brooks
William A. Black Chair of Commerce
Rowe School of Business
Dalhousie University
PO BOX 15000 Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2 Canada
e-mail: [log in to unmask]Editor, Research in Transportation Business and Management