Dear AIBers
Shipping and airline services are two international services that you may be researching. If so this might be of interest.

CFP: The Marketing of Transportation Services

Research in Transportation Business and Management is issuing a CFP for papers in the marketing of transportation. Specific topics of interest may include developments in marketing concepts and application of theories to airline, car rental, taxi, bus, rail, ferry, cruise and freight/logistics services including:
 Abstracts (250 words maximum) should be submitted to Keith Mason at [log in to unmask]   or Lucy Budd [log in to unmask] no later than 1st May 2013. 
The full Call for papers is available at:
Please contact the volume editors (above) if this is of interest to you.
Mary R. Brooks
William A. Black Chair of Commerce
Rowe School of Business
Dalhousie University
PO BOX 15000                
Halifax, NS,  B3H 4R2 Canada
e-mail: [log in to unmask]

Editor, Research in Transportation Business and Management 

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