Hi there
Please can you email the following announcement to your members?
Many thanks
University College Cork, Ireland, invites applications for the following two permanent, wholetime positions.
College of Business and Law
Duties shall include teaching and examining, undertaking administrative duties and carrying out other duties appropriate to the post, initially under the general direction of the Head of the College of Business and Law. The successful candidate
will be expected to serve as Head of the Department of Management and Marketing on appointment for a period of five years.
The duty of the Head of the Department of Management and Marketing shall be to manage the academic, administrative and other activities of the Department.
The Head of Department shall be responsible to the Head of the College of Business and Law in management matters, and to their College Council (or Faculty, if responsibility remains there) in academic matters. The duties of each other
member of the academic staff in the unit (including the Professors) shall be carried out under the general direction of the Head.
The successful candidate will possess a doctorate from a research-intensive university and a significant record of research and publication in the domain of strategic management together with an on-going ambitious
research plan.
Informal enquires can be made in confidence to Dr Joan Buckley, Department of Management and Marketing, 021 490 2929,
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College of Business and Law
The College of Business and Law delivers undergraduate programmes in Business ranging from Accounting and Finance, to Business Information Systems
and the BComm as a generalised degree in Business
The College of Business and Law currently consists of two Faculties, the Faculty of Commerce and the Faculty of Law and within these structures six departments including the Department of Management and Marketing,
the Department of Accounting, Finance and Information Systems, the Department of Economics, the Department of Food Business and Development, the Department of Government and the Department of Law. It also includes a number of Research Centres. The Professorship
of International Business is part of a series of senior appointments which will be made at Professorial level to support the on-going development of a modern Business School at University College Cork.
The successful candidate will have a doctorate or professional qualification with a significant record of research and publication in International
Business. In accordance with the University’s strategic objective as a research-led institution, the duties of all academic staff will include research, research-led teaching and contributions to the university, the discipline and the community. The academic
staff member shall teach and examine, undertake administrative duties and carry out other duties appropriate to the post initially under the general direction of the Head of the Department of Management and Marketing. In view of regional strengths, UCC would
be particularly interested in receiving applications from candidates who have a research interest in one or more of the following areas: Multinational Business Organisations, International Business Practice and Policy Development in the area of International
For informal enquiries please contact Professor Irene Lynch – Fannon,
Tel. + 353 21 490 3898, Email: [log in to unmask]
The salary scale (new entrants) for these permanent posts is: €113,604 - €145,953 per annum.
Application forms together with full details of the posts are available from
Completed application forms, must reach the Recruitment Office, Department of Human Resources, University College Cork, Ireland, before 12 noon on Tuesday, 16th April 2013.
Briona Ryng, Department of Human Resources, Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, University College Cork +353 21 4902364 [log in to unmask]