Dear colleague, I thought you might perhaps be interested in the volume described below. Regards, Karl P. Sauvant Oxford University Press just released the *Yearbook on International Investment Law & Policy 2011-2012, *edited by Karl P. Sauvant.* *It analyses developments as regards the magnitude and salient features of investment flows and the question of home-country policies, international investment law and arbitration and trends in international investment agreements. This edition of the *Investment Yearbook *pays special attention to regulatory and policy developments regarding foreign direct investment in the extractive industries, before addressing topical issues that include discussions of the Argentine annulments and the application of the customary necessity rule, sovereign debt, public interest regulation, human rights obligations under investment treaties, host state corruption, the economic analysis of substantive investment protections, and an assessment of Chinese outward investment. *Summary Table of Contents* *Foreword by Brigitte Stern* *Preface by the Editorial Committee* * * *PART ONE* 1. FDI trends in 2010-2011 and the challenge of investment policies for outward foreign direct investment *Persephone Economou and Karl P. Sauvant* 2. International investment law and arbitration: 2011 in review *Ian A. Laird, Borzu Sabahi, Frédéric G. Sourgens, and Nicholas J. Birch* 3. Trends in international investment agreements, 2010/2011: The increasing complexity of international investment law *Stephan W. Schill and Marc Jacob* * * *PART TWO* SYMPOSIUM ON REGULATORY AND POLICY DEVELOPMENTS REGARDING FDI IN EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES Introduction to symposium on regulatory and policy developments regarding FDI in extractive industries *Erlend Bakken and Andrea K. Bjorklund* 4. The International Bar Association Model Mine Development Agreement project: A step toward better practice and better development results *Luke J. Danielson and Mark D. Phillips* 5. Legal mechanisms for increased transparency in the extractive industries *Tonje P. Gormley* * * 6. Reconfiguring investment contracts to promote sustainable development *Lorenzo Cotula and Kyla Tienhaara* * * 7. Reflections on sovereignty over natural resources and the enforcement of stabilization clauses *Peter D. Cameron* * * 8. Impacts of fiscal reforms on country attractiveness: Learning from the facts *Lisa E. Sachs, Perrine Toledano, Jacky Mandelbaum, with James Otto* * * 9. Arbitration in long-term international petroleum contracts: The “internationalization” of the applicable law *Ivar Alvik* GENERAL ARTICLES 10. The Argentine annulments: The uneasy application of ICSID article 52 in parallel claims *Leah D. Harhay* * * 11. How may tribunals apply the customary necessity rule to the Argentine cases? An analysis of ICSID decisions with respect to the interaction between article XI of the U.S.-Argentina BIT and the customary rule of necessity *Javier El-Hage* * * 12. Leviathan on life-support? Restructuring sovereign debt and international investment protection after *Abaclat* *Michael D. Nolan, Frédéric G. Sourgens, and Hugh Carlson* 13. Standards of review and reviewing standards: Public interest regulation in international investment law *Rahim Moloo and Justin M. Jacinto* 14. How to impose human rights obligations on corporations under investment treaties? Pragmatic guidelines for the amendment of BITs *Patrick Dumberry and Gabrielle Dumas-Aubin* * * 15. Upholding corrupt investors’ claims against complicit or compliant host states —Where angels should *not* fear to tread *Kevin Lim* * * 16. An economic analysis of the substantive protections provided by investment treaties *Jonathan Bonnitcha and Emma Aisbett* * * * * 17. Converging divergences: The rise of Chinese outward foreign investment and its implications for international (investment) law *Valentina Vadi* * * *SPECIAL SECTION* WINNING MEMORIALS FROM THE 2011 FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT INTERNATIONAL MOOT COMPETITION (FDI MOOT) Winning Claimant Memorial: *University of Barcelona* Winning Respondent Memorial: *King’s College London*** -- Karl P. Sauvant, PhD Resident Senior Fellow Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment Columbia Law School/The Earth Institute Columbia University 435 West 116th Street New York, N.Y. 10027 Phone (1-212) 854-0689 The *Yearbook on International Investment Law and Policy 2010-2011* was released by Oxford University Press in December 2011. For details please see The following ebooks are available free of charge from the same website: *FDI Perspectives: Issues in International Investment*;* Inward and Outward FDI Country Profiles*;* MNEs from Emerging Markets: New Players in the World FDI Market*. ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.