

CALL FOR PAPERS - 20th IBIMA Conference (Special Edition)

The 20th IBIMA Conference  -  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
25-26 March 2013

Multiple themes under: Entrepreneurship Vision 2020: Innovation,
Development Sustainability, and Economic Growth

The conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia . The conference is
co-hosted by University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). We hope that you grab this
golden opportunity as IBIMA Conference is highly reputable conference.
IBIMA proceedings are Indexed by ISI- Thomson Reuters.

Website:          (OR just type IBIMA is any search


Submission deadline: 1st March, 2013


 IBIMA conference proceedings are indexed by ISI Thomson Index and Ranked
by the prestigious Australian Research Council (ARC)


 Major Tracks : Session en Français


High quality papers will be fast tracked to one of IBIMA Publishing 40+
journals (conditions apply).   IBIMA
Publishing, publisher of open access journals to promote widest possible
distribution of research work worldwide.  All journals are now index by
EBSCO, Cabell's Directory, ProQuest, and each article will receive DOI to
ensure lifetime preservation.


MPORTANT: Four types of Conference submissions:


1-            Full Research papers

2-            Short papers or abstracts

3-            Organized sessions

4-            Virtual presentation


Conference proceedings will be published as an e-book on a CD with an ISBN


Visit the general conference website for complete details:


*Conference Chair*


Dr. Khalid S. Soliman

IBIMA Publishing, USA

International Business Information Management Association, USA



*Program Co-Chair*

** Mohd Rafi Yaacob
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia

Naila Aaijaz
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia

Muhammad Najib Razali
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Ghazali Ahmad, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia
Mohd Fadil Mohd Yusoff, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia
Noraani Bt Mustapha, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Malaysia

Hope to see you at 20th IBIMA, Kuala Lumpur. For any further queries please
feel free to contact me on my contact details given below.

Thank you
Best Regards

Naila Aaijaz, PhD
Associate Professor & Program Co-Chair 20th IBIMA,

Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business

University Malaysia Kelantan (

Locked Bag 36, City Campus,

Kota Bharu, Kelantan


Email : [log in to unmask] ; [log in to unmask]

Ph: +6-09-7717261

Mobile : +6 0179018423







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