Michigan Organic Food and Farm Alliance is Seeking an Office Administrator-Part-time-from your home and helping the organic farmers and consumers!

Seeking part-time office administrator for an organic farming and food organization based in Michigan.

The Michigan community based- member organization, Michigan Organic Food and Farm Alliance (MOFFA) is seeking a part-time office administrator starting January  2013   The position will offer approximately 10 hours per week of employment the location will  be at the office administrators residence. Attendance at Board meetings is requested but not mandatory.  Pay is $15.00/hour

MOFFA is a non-profit, mainly volunteer run organization serving organic farmers and consumers throughout Michigan. We offer educational resources and opportunities to our members and community through agricultural and environmental programs at conferences and sponsorships of organizations that represent our values.


Accounting Skills

This person will need skills to manage the organization’s monthly account records and be fluent in Quick Books software. Management includes balancing account statements using online banking, to track check activity, both accounts receivable and accounts payable Account activity is generated from supply purchases for organization, educational conference(s), membership dues, and educational material sales. The office administrator will be responsible to submit monthly financial reports to the board treasurer and maintain communication with that person on a weekly basis via email.

WEB Page Management

Person must also have knowledge and ability to maintain, update and modify our organization’s web page (www.moffa.net) to reflect current news and events. MOFFA is seeking a person to completely rework and restyle our website which will require seeking  a new web hosting partner. This person will also be expected to input information on the WEB site on a timely basis, where we offer information on educational programs and meetings as well as organization’s newsletter.  We will need timely promotion of any events via the WEB, and through our on-line newsletter and member listserv. Therefore it is essential that this person has time to devote to the work weekly, to assure good communications and timely outreach of programs and news.

Overall Expectations

The person selected will need strong communication skills to assure the MOFFA Board, especially the Board treasurer, is kept current with organization’s account information.  Weekly communication is essential. The person should have familiarity with agriculture and local marketing and invested in the values of organic food and production.  We are a mostly volunteer run organization so this person will be the key to maintaining quality communication and information flow amongst the board members (emails and phone calls) and the member-organization (WEB page).

Please respond to [log in to unmask] Expectant hire date - 1/15/2013

John W. Hooper



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