


AIB 2013 Annual Meeting

Istanbul, Turkey

July 3-6, 2013




Call for Papers


Theme: Bridging the Divide: Linking IB to Complementary Disciplines and Practice


Submission Deadline: Tuesday, January 15th, 2013


Program Chair: Patricia McDougall-Covin, Indiana University ( [log in to unmask] )


Sitting at the crossroads of the continents of Europe and Asia, Turkey increasingly serves as a bridge linking the complex political, economic and cultural forces of these regions. Less than a decade ago, an unfortunate terrorist bombing incident in Turkey forced our Academy to reluctantly move its 2004 conference venue from Istanbul to another location. In recent years, Turkey has increasingly fulfilled its promise as a regional model for IB and as a homeland for diverse civilizations in history. The Academy takes great pride in having Istanbul as the host city for our 2013 conference organized around the theme, Bridging the Divide: Linking IB to Complementary Disciplines and Practice.


Scholarly papers that are interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary as well as papers that link theory to practice are particularly encouraged as there is need for more dialogue and integration across disciplines to solve the complex issues confronting international business in today’s increasingly multifaceted world. Cross-fertilization of IB with complementary disciplines is important for developing new methods and perspectives and to enhance scholarly understanding and advance practice.


Paper and Panel Submissions

Paper and panel submissions for AIB 2013 need to be categorized into one of twelve topical tracks. Each paper or panel proposal must be submitted to only one track. Please select the track closest to your proposal from the list below. All single country studies must focus on IB-relevant topics such as MNCs, international institutions, trade, global value chains, etc.



1.       Institutions, Governance, and CSR

2.       International Marketing Management and Supply Chain

3.       IB Theory, FDI, and Entry Mode

4.       Global Strategy, Alliances, and Competitiveness

5.       MNC Management and Organization

6.       Innovation and Knowledge Management

7.       Doing Business in Emerging Economies

8.       Developing Country Multinational Companies

9.       Cross-cultural Management and International HRM

10.   International Economics, Finance and Accounting

11.   SMEs, Entrepreneurship, and Born Global

12.   Economic Geography and Global Value Chains

13.   Special Track: Teaching International Business

14.   Special Track: International Business Research Methods



For full Call for Papers, please visit:


For submission Instructions, please visit:



We hope to see you in Istanbul, Turkey!



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