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Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association


November 1 (Friday), 2013.

Venue: Nagoya University, Japan



APMAA 2013 PhD colloquium (November 1(Friday), 2013) will be held in conjunction with the Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) 2013 Annual Conference (November 1-4, 2013). PhD students and candidates are hereby invited to present and discuss their preliminary results or work-in-progress. The discussants comprise of a group of international Professors.


Doctoral students interested in participating in the doctoral consortium should submit a single PDF file consisting of:

1.       An introductory letter in which you indicate what you wish to obtain from the doctoral consortium and what you will be bringing to the doctoral consortium.

2.       A one page research statement on the research you will pursue. If you are at the doctoral dissertation stage, this statement should focus on the dissertation.

3.       Your CV.

4.       A letter of recommendation from your primary dissertation advisor, who should state what you can contribute as well as gain from the doctoral consortium.


The main objective of the APMAA 2013 PhD colloquium is to offer an opportunity to PhD students to receive high-quality feedback from external reviewers and to directly interact with peers, exchange ideas, discuss concepts, and establish (in) formal cooperation with various research groups. PhD students and candidates at all stages are welcome to submit a thesis-position paper, but preference will be given to students in the earlier stages of their PhD work. Participants will be expected to give short and informal presentations of their work during the Colloquium, to be followed by a panel-like discussion. The submitted paper should clearly state:

·         The original key idea/hypothesis of the thesis

·         The problem domain and the specific problem addressed

·         An overview of related work in the area of the PhD work 

·         Methodological approach 

·         Research carried out 

·         The expected contributions (in line with the field of study) 


Submissions should be around 10 pages long and follow the format used for the main APMAA 2013 conference papers. More information and links to templates can be found from the APMAA 2013 Conference web page (i.e. http://www.apmaa.asia/). All submission should be made in a Word document via email attachment. Please submit your papers to all PhD Colloquium co-chairs:


Normah Omar ([log in to unmask]),
Susumu Ueno ([log in to unmask])
Yang TzongTsay (
[log in to unmask]) ,
Paul Scarbrough
[log in to unmask]">([log in to unmask]).  


Since this is expected to be a work conducted by the PhD students, we request that:
         The first author is a PhD student who is mainly responsible for conducting the research on the respective topic.

Names of the authors are preceded by: Student: and, where applicable, Supervisor.

The colloquium chairs will arrange the selection of the accepted papers using a peer review process. The accepted papers will be published in the PhD colloquium proceedings, and at least one of the main authors is expected to register for the conference by
1 October 2013, and presents the work at the corresponding session. The colloquium participants will pay the normal student registration fee.


Full paper submission: July15, 2013

  Acceptance notification: August15, 2013


Any questions regarding this call for papers should be addressed to the PhD Colloquium Chairs Normah Omar at [log in to unmask].



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