

Dear Sir/Madam:

Could you kindly help announce this conference news ?

Thanks very much!

Bill Chen, UWest

Call for Papers for the 23rd International Conference on
The Pacific Rim Management
Monte Carlo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 11 - 13 July, 2013

Conference Outline
The 23rd International Conference on the Pacific Rim Management is organized by the Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME). The ACME's goal is to provide a forum for management educators and practitioners to exchange information and to stimulate cooperation with both academic and nonacademic organizations in the Pacific Rim region. Specifically for this conference, the ACME aims to explore and discuss opportunities and challenges to form networks and collaborations to further advance management theory and practice.

Main Topics
Theoretical, conceptual and empirical articles are welcome. Major topics include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Academic Technology Management

Accounting Information Systems


Brand Management
Consumer Behavior

Corporate Finance & Foreign Direct Investments

Culture Tourism Management
Data Mining/Warehousing
Decision Support Systems


Financial Management

Financial Institute Management

Healthcare & Hospital Management

Human Resource Management & Industrial Relations

Information Security and Management
Information Technology
Innovative Teaching Methods

International Accounting
International business

Internet & E-Commerce

Management Information Systems

Manufacturing & Service Design

Marketing & International Trade

Organizational Behavior
Organizational Learning & Knowledge Management

Production & Operations Management
Project Management
Product Management

Service Science

Strategic Management

Structural Equation Modeling

Supply Chain Management

System Dynamics

Technology & Innovation Management

Transportation, Communication, and Logistics
Virtual Community and Social Network Analysis
Web 2.0 Applications
Wireless Networking

Submission Guidelines
A full paper, written in English and in MS Word, should be uploaded to the conference website by February 25th, 2013. The length of the full paper is limited to 15 pages. Authors are requested to prepare their full papers using the APA style.
Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by committee members. The authors will be notified of acceptance by March 15th 2013. Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty. For more information regarding submission, please go to

Contact: Dr. Sam Wu ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) or Dr. Bill Chen ([log in to unmask])

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