

Dear Colleagues,

I am looking for experts for a panel on the role of corporate social responsibility in the growth of multinational corporations as part of AIB Istanbul in July 2013.   If you have expertise on Chinese multinational corporations, that will be a plus.  If you would like to serve on this panel, please email me a short synopsis (1-3 pages) and a statement that you will participate if the panel proposal is accepted, all by January 14, 2013.

If you have any question, please email me at [log in to unmask].

Happy New Year!
Dr. Xiaohua Yang 杨小华博士教授
Associate Professor of International Business
School of Management
2130 Fulton St, Malloy Hall 305
University of San Francisco 旧金山大学商学院
San Francisco, CA 94118
Phone: 415-422-4330
Email: [log in to unmask]
Senior Editor, Journal of Asia Business Studies 亚洲商务研究期刊副主编 ____
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