

Registration is open for the Northern Michigan Small Farm Conference at

Northern Michigan Small Farm Conference Announces 2013 Conference
Small farmers, homesteaders, farm interns, students, chefs and consumers will gather on January 26 is share ideas, gain new skills and make plans for the 2013 growing season. The Northern Michigan Small Farm Conference, now in its 14th year, will allow farmers to learn about how to make small farms more sustainable, both economically and environmentally.

It is a full day of learning, with 27 breakout sessions, including topics on alternative fruit crops, dairying without antibiotics, farmland preservation, viticulture, internet marketing, water conservation, heritage breed sheep and home meat curing. Young people are encouraged to attend, with special youth track sessions on getting started in farming. The full schedule may be found online at

The keynote speaker is Dr. Jason Rowntree, Assistant Professor, Beef and Cattle Forage Utilization at Michigan State University. Dr. Rowntree works to improve the economics of small and medium size beef producers through local and regional beef production and distribution systems. 

A big attraction each year is the trade show, featuring 70+ vendors from across the state.  Take your chance at winning a free registration for 2014's conference as you browse and network.

Each year, the Northern Michigan Small Farm Conference is like a homecoming. Farmers visit with folks they haven’t seen from last year’s conference, and greet new faces over the delicious local foods lunch. It’s the warmest northern Michigan event you’ll attend in January.

This year's conference will be held at Grayling High School in Grayling, Michigan. For more information or to register, go to or call 231-838-8093.

About the Northern Michigan Small Farm Conference
The Northern Michigan Small Farm Conference serves as a vehicle to promote and build a local vibrant agriculture community, to equip the small farm community with the tools to be successful, and to be a forum for the open exchange of ideas within the small farm community. This is accomplished primarily through the annual conference in January, but is also accomplished through the support of other education opportunities throughout the year.

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