





Submission Deadline: February 18, 2013

Program Chair: Chie Iguchi, Keio University

Conference Chair: Fabian J. Froese, University of Göttingen

AJBS will hold its 26th annual meeting, in cooperation with the Academy of International Business (AIB), in Istanbul, Turkey. The AJBS conference will take place on Tuesday, 2nd July, with the AIB conference following on 3rd – 6th July. This year’s AJBS conference is organized by Chie Iguchi, Keio University, Japan and Fabian J. Froese, University of Göttingen, Germany.

The AJBS annual conference provides an opportunity for discussion of current developments and research on a range of business, public policy, and teaching issues related to Japan. We welcome scholars, students, and practitioners from all disciplinary backgrounds who are interested in Japanese business issues. Papers submitted for presentation at the AJBS conference presentation are double-blind peer reviewed. Accepted papers are considered for publication in a special issue of the organization’s affiliated journal, Asian Business & Management.

The co-location of the AJBS and AIB conferences provides a unique opportunity. With one trip (to fabulous Istanbul), you can attend both the most prestigious professional meeting dealing with international business and an intimate conference that focuses specifically on issues associated with Japanese business. The AJBS conference provides additional opportunities for journal publication and best paper awards, as detailed below.

Authors may submit papers to either or both of the AJBS and AIB conferences. AJBS will consider submissions that have already been presented elsewhere, but not those previously published in a journal or book. You are encouraged to consider submitting a paper to AJBS tailored to the specialized audience at the AJBS conference, as well as a modified version to AIB that is appropriate for the wider audience in attendance there.

Paper submission: The submission deadline is Monday, February 18, 2013. You can submit your paper via ‘EasyChair’: . We kindly ask you to sign up for a new account at EasyChair and upload your paper in PDF format. Submissions must be on letter paper (8.5"x11" or 216x279 mm), with double-spaced text and a font size of 11 points or larger. Please follow the JIBS style guide (http://www.palgrave- ). Abstract and keywords should clearly indicate the topic of research so that relevant reviewers can be appointed. Following the double-blind review process, authors will be notified about decisions by early April 2013.

Conference Registration: Registration for the AJBS conference requires registration for both the AIB and AJBS conferences (with current membership in both as well) this is all conveniently done through AIB. Membership in AJBS includes a one-year subscription to the online version of Asian Business & Management.

Asian Business & Management: In 2003 AJBS established a partnership with the journal Asian Business & Management (ABM), published by Palgrave Macmillan (http://www.palgrave- ) and ranked in the Social Science Citation Index. As in recent years, the editor of ABM, together with the AJBS conference committee, will select several papers from the 2013 conference program to be considered for publication in a special volume of the journal. At the time of submission, please indicate whether you wish your paper to be considered for publication in the special issue of ABM.

Palgrave Macmillan – AJBS Best Paper Award: Palgrave Macmillan generously sponsors a “Best Paper” prize at the annual AJBS meeting. A committee will review the finalist papers and select the winning paper.

For further information: Details regarding the Istanbul meeting venue and AIB conference are available at  . For questions regarding the AJBS conference and submissions, please contact Chie Iguchi ([log in to unmask] ) or Fabian J. Froese ([log in to unmask] ). For questions or comments regarding AJBS or conference registration, please contact the AJBS Executive Director, Diane Bird ([log in to unmask] ) or the AJBS President Norihiko Takeuchi, ([log in to unmask] ). 


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