


The CORE-CM seminar this week is

*November 15*: /William J. Weber (Materials Science and Engineering, 
University of Tennessee) /
"*Effects of Ionization on Damage Formation and Recovery under Ion 
Irradiation* /*"*/

BPS 1400 at 12:00pm
Pizza and cookies available at 11:45am

Phil  Duxbury


The interaction of ions with solids results in energy loss to both 
atomic nuclei and electrons. At low energies, nuclear energy loss 
dominates, and irradiation damage occurs primarily by ballistic 
collisions. At high energies for fission products and swift heavy ions, 
electronic energy loss dominates, and the intense ionization can lead to 
latent track formation or recovery of existing irradiation damage. At 
intermediate ion energies, including energies of primary knock-on 
created by fast and fusion neutrons, ballistic and ionization energy 
losses are of similar magnitude and can lead to synergistic or 
competitive processes that affect the evolution of irradiation damage. 
We have integrated experimental and computational approaches to 
investigate the separate and combined effects of nuclear and electronic 
energy loss on damage formation and recovery in several materials. 
Experimentally, we have shown that that there is a synergy between the 
nuclear and electronic energy loss on damage evolution in amorphous 
SiO_2 at intermediate ion energies. Large scale molecular dynamics 
simulations, which include ballistic collisions and local heating based 
on the inelastic thermal spike model, have been employed to investigate 
the separate and combined effects of nuclear and electronic energy loss 
on damage production. These simulations demonstrate conclusively the 
additive effect of nuclear and electronic energy loss on damage 
production. On the other hand, ionizationin Ca_2 La_8 (SiO_4 )_6 O_2 
from intermediate energy ion irradiation leads to competitive damage 
recovery processes that decrease damage production. In SiC, irradiation 
with intermediate energy ions leads to defect formation and 
amorphization; however, it has been shown that swift heavy ions can 
induce some recovery of such irradiation damage. Large scale molecular 
dynamics simulations confirm that swift heavy ions induce defect 
recovery and recrystallization in SiC that are well described by an 
inelastic thermal spike phenomenon.