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The "New York Times" has published and op/ed piece concerning feelings of uncertainty in mainland China about the future on the part of employed professionals. See:

"AIB Insights" is calling for submission of analysis, discussion, and reflection on the issues brought forward in the article. Manuscripts should be a maximum of 2500 to 3000 words. 

Romie Littrell, Editor, AIB Insights
Daniel Rottig, Assoc. Editor, AIB Insights

Romie Frederick Littrell, BA, MBA, PhD, FIAIR
Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
IV. 1st stanza, War is Kind and Other Lines, Stephen Crane, 1899
A little ink more or less!
It surely can't matter?
Even the sky and the opulent sea,
The plains and the hills, aloof,
Hear the uproar of all these books.
But it is only a little ink more or less.

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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