Business – Science – Government Partnership: Challenges for financial markets
Scientific conference
April 17-18-19, 2013
Organized by
International Business School at Vilnius University
EuroMed Research Business Institute
Kozminski University
The global financial crisis of 2008 and the economic turmoil it created in the years following have forced a transformation in fundamental business models, beginning with the evaporation of almost entire industry sectors, e.g. investment banking, derivative market, mortgage banking shrink-down and etc. The 2008-2009 global crisis was not only a financial calamity, but also a major ethical disaster.
The aim of the Conference is to provide a grammar for dissecting the financial crisis as well as to examine reform proposals aimed at creating a more secure and stable financial system.
The Conference will provide an overview of the unfolding crisis, its devastation of the world economy; will give plenty of recommendations to investors, institutions, regulators, banks and scientists to act in a concerted way to prevent such crises in the future; will provide an opportunity for scientists, managers and professionals from around the world to sum up the achievements and to highlight the problems as well as to once again discuss cutting edge research. Such a Conference would be an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues, to exchange knowledge and experience, and to extend list of contacts. In addition to key note speeches and conference presentations, science, business and government representatives will cross-fertilize their views in round table discussions and workshops.
Dr. KUI WAI LI, Associate Professor, Department of economics and Finance College of Business City University at Hong Kong
Dr. Kui-Wai Li lectures on the Asia Pacific economies, including the China economy and specializes in the areas of financial and economic development, industry and trade, political economy and globalization. His research focuses on China, Asian economies including Hong Kong, financial crisis and globalization. He has published a number of referee articles and has contributed chapters to edited books. He is the author of "Economic Freedom: Lessons of Hong Kong" (World Scientific, 2012).
Dr. LI Kui Wai will address the main conference theme in a keynote titled: „A Monetary Approach to Analyzing the 2008 Financial Crisis".
Dr. IFTEKHAR HASAN, Professor of Finance & Corrigan Chair in International Business & Finance
Iftekhar Hasan is the E. Gerald Corrigan Chair in International Business and Finance at Fordham University's Schools of Business and co-director of the Center for Research in Contemporary Finance. Professor Hasan serves as the scientific advisor at the Central Bank of Finland and as president of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society. He is the managing editor of the Journal of Financial Stability.
Dr. Iftekhar Hasan will address the main conference theme in a keynote titled: "Financial Contracts: Bank versus Bank".
ESTHER BRAENDLI, Regional Audit Director Europe (EU countries and Switzerland) at Zurich Insurance Group
Esther Brändli has substantial proffesional experience in the fields of insurance and audit. She joined Zurich Insurance Group in 2006 as CFO of the Group Reinsurance Division before she became Regional Audit Director Europe in 2010. Previously, she worked for Partner Re (2003-2005) as Head of Business Support and Controlling and Swiss Reinsurance Company(1988-2003) in various positions in the fields of Finance, Underwriting, Project Management and IT as well as Communications. She holds a Master degree of the University of Economics in St Gallen, and specialized in the field of corporate structure and organization.
Esther Braendli will address the main conference theme in a keynote titled: “Integrated Risk Assessment and Assurance: an answer to increased regulation and risks“.
17-19 April, 2013, International Business School at Vilnius University,
Saulėtekio ave. 22, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Tel.: (+370 5) 2366889
Fax: (+370 5) 2698756.
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Deadline for submission of papers is 21st of January, 2013.
Manuscripts for the scientific conference are invited in terms of competitive papers, case studies, abstracts, research in progress, special sessions and doctoral research papers in any of the track areas listed below. For detailed information about the conference and track chairs please visit: or contact the organizers by e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Scope of the conference includes tracks as follows:
Financial, economic, and sovereign debt crisis: origin, transformation, fiscal policy and implications.
ü The global recession: Analysis, evaluation, and implications of the policy response and reform proposals.
ü On the inception of sound derivative products in emerging markets: Real-world observations and viable solutions
ü Global financial crisis: transgressions and solutions.
ü 2004: The year of the truth; 2008-2009: Transformation of the financial crisis to the economic crisis; 2009-2012: Sovereign debt crisis
ü The crisis from the point of view of evolutionary and transition economics.
ü The political, regulatory, and market failures that caused the US financial crisis: What are the lessons?
ü The global financial crisis and its implications for the European financial industry.
ü The financial crisis in Europe: evolution, policy responses and lessons for the future.
ü International comparisons of bank regulation, liberalization, and banking crises.
ü The impact of the recent financial crisis on EU competition policy for the banking sector.
ü Financial crisis enforcing global banking reforms.
Regulating or redesigning finance? Market architectures, normal accidents, and dilemmas of regulatory reform.
ü The financial crisis: imperfect markets and imperfect regulation.
ü Basel III's ability to mitigate systemic risk.
ü Minimum capital requirements and the design of the new Basel Accord.
ü Liquidity risk, credit risk, market risk and bank capital.
ü Globalization and financial instability: Challenges for exchange rate and monetary policy.
ü War on savings: modern monetary management in crisis.
ü An analysis of global credit risk spreads during crises.
ü Asset and liability management in financial crisis.
ü Systemic risk in structured finance: Lessons from the ongoing financial crisis.
ü The Eurozone financial crisis: role of interdependencies between bank and sovereign risk.
ü Measures of financial openness and interdependence.
ü Strategic development processes during economic and financial crisis.
ü Recovery from the current banking crisis: Insights into costs and effectiveness of response regulations.
ü A new standard for deposit insurance and government guarantees after the crisis.
A strategic response to the financial crisis: an analysis of insurance services and pension funds before and during the financial crisis.
ü Global financial crisis: European insurance perspective.
ü The financial and insurance crisis in Europe: what is real and what is behavioral?
ü Contagion of financial crises: what does the insurance industry empirical evidence show?
ü Insurance role in financial crisis: to what extent are capital ratios in banking underpinned by the availability of risk transfer via insurance and reinsurance markets?
ü Insurance markets after financial crisis in Europe: evolution, policy responses and lessons for the future.
ü The impact of the financial crisis on EU regulation for the insurance sector.
ü Global economic melt-down and the role of insurance institutions: lessons from Europe.
ü Where ignorance is bliss: the “dark corner” of risk classification.
ü Evaluating the cost efficiency and investment possibilities of insurance companies and pension funds.
ü Life insurance portfolios: rules-in-use, interest rate risk, and Solvency II Process.
ü Legal reforms on pension and the opportunity for private and mixed pension funds.
ü Insights on the decline of pension schemes in Europe.
ü New trends in emerging economies: development of micro insurance.
ü Response of insurance industry to new rising health risks.
ü Can Natural Disasters be predicted decades in advance? – Changes in insurance risk management.
ü Optimizing Claim Management with Risk Analytics.
ü Actuarial and statistical input into topic on genetics and insurance.
ü Financial modeling: Challenged like never before.
Cyclical economy. Have we "got out" the crisis? When the other?
ü Post-crisis financial reform: Where do we stand?
ü Cross-border financial surveillance: A network perspective.
ü Risk-return optimization with different risk-aggregation strategies.
ü The logic of neoliberal finance and global financial fragility: Towards another great depression?
ü Financial crisis enforcing global banking reforms.
ü The structural fragility of financial systems: Analysis and modeling implications for early warning systems.
ü Global financial crisis: Causes and perspectives.
ü The need for efficient international financial regulation and the role of a global supervisor.
ü Financial markets: Implications for financial stability.
ü Systemic risk in modern financial systems: analytics and policy design.
ü The institutional intrusion of market failure: Why speculative bubbles still occur?
ü Global crisis and activities of multinational enterprises in new EU member states.
ü The financial crisis – American banking versus European banking.
ü The Japanese finance: is it unique?
ü The impact of the global financial crisis on emerging and newly industrialized Asia.
Introduction to international financial markets in the new era: Post-crisis challenges and opportunities.
ü The financial crisis and the failure of modern social science.
ü Financial crisis, activist states and (missed) opportunities.
ü Post-crisis discourse and organizational change, failure and renewal.
ü Credit-crisis “villains” brought to book: Better laws and regulation only way to prevent another catastrophe.
ü Lessons for economists from the financial crisis.
ü Building solid foundations: Sustainable growth in a post-crisis world.
ü Differentiated solutions for emerging and transition economies.
ü A new standard for deposit insurance and government guarantees after the crisis.
ü Recovery from the current banking crisis: Insights into costs and effectiveness of response regulations.
ü Post-crisis developments in international financial markets.
ü Legitimating corporate global irresponsibility: Origins, contexts and vectors of the market modern newspeak.
ü Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Financial Markets.
ü Chinese business schools and the future of management in the post-crisis era: Responsibility and opportunity.
ü American business schools and the future of management in the post-crisis era: Responsibility and opportunity.
ü European business schools and the future of management in the post-crisis era: Responsibility and opportunity.
„Thinking the unthinkable” – Leadership’s role in creating behavioral readiness for crisis management.
ü Finance regulation, governance and the crisis: a behavioral finance view.
ü Social corporate responsibility in financial sector.
ü Corporate responsibility and governance: the responsible corporation in a global economy.
ü The impact of the crisis on corporate responsibility.
ü How relevant is corporate governance and corporate social responsibility in emerging markets?
ü Corporate communication of finance institutions in times of stress.
ü Corporate governance in the financial services sector.
ü Banking ethics.
ü Transitional paradigms to a new world economic order.
ü A new paradigm for Leadership valuation in financial markets.
ü The impact of the financial crisis on international business strategies of banks (including Strategic Alliances, Mergers and Acquisitions).
ü The importance of Intellectual Capital Accounting in times of crisis.
ü Leading concerted strategy development process between science, business and government
The role of rating agencies in the context of the global crisis.
ü Credit rating agencies and global financial crisis: Need for a paradigm shift in financial market regulation.
ü Ten years' analysis of sovereign risk: noise-rater risk, panels, and errors.
ü Regulatory use of credit ratings: how it impacts the behavior of market constituents.
ü Measuring customers' portfolio concentration for rating agencies: evidence from Fitch, Moody's and S&P.
ü A note on ratings of international finance markets.
Submissions will be published in the “SCIENCE, BUSINESS & GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP: CHALLENGES FOR FINANCIAL MARKETS” Conference Proceedings.
The best competitive papers at the conference will be considered for publications in any of the following refereed journals:
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development (WREMSD) ISSN 1746-0581
and EuroMed Journal of Business (Emerald Journal) ISSN 1450-2194.
Manuscripts should be sent electronically to an e-mail: [log in to unmask]
All manuscripts will be subjected to a double blind, peer review process. Although papers accepted for presentation as a result of the double blind peer review process will be published in the Conference Proceedings, the publication of the papers is not an endorsement of the content of any of the papers by organisers. Organisers are not responsible for any claims made in any of the papers accepted for publication in the proceedings. The authors of each of the papers are solely responsible for the content, referencing of their papers, grammar, theories, positions, and terminology, set forth in proceedings. The authors of each of the papers are also responsible for ensuring that manuscripts they have submitted for publication in the proceedings have not been published elsewhere and contain no material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the text of the paper. A full paper must be at least 5 pages long. The Conference Proceedings will be supplied to all conference participants and will have an ISBN. Since the conference is of national and international significance as it covers so many important business related areas. Manuscripts should contain up to 250 words structured abstract and conform to the Harvard style of writing. The manuscript must be clearly written without any spelling or grammatical errors. General style/format guide includes:
More information about how to prepare an abstract and the paper you will find here:
Papers or abstracts should be submitted by 21st of January, 2013.
Information about acceptance or rejection of the paper will be provided by 1st of March, 2013.
Early registration before 10th of March, 2013.
Late registration after 10th of March, 2013.
Early-bird registration before 10 of March | Late registration after 10 of March | |
Conference presenters | 500 Euro | 600 Euro |
Students* | 350 Euro | 450 Euro |
Co-authors | 400 Euro | 500 Euro |
Paper publishing without participation in the conference | 250 Euro | - |
Other participants | 400 Euro | 500 Euro |
Accompanying person | 350 Euro | 450 Euro |
* Confirmation letter required.
Best regards,
Erika Vaiginiene, PhD
Deputy Director for Research, Innovation and Quality
Vilnius University
International Business School
Sauletekio av. 22,
LT-10225 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. +370 5 236 6897
Mob. +370 611 54664
Email: [log in to unmask]
Web site:
[log in to unmask]" alt="EFMD_logo_for_printing">EFMD Certified Research Director
[log in to unmask]" alt="EMRBI logo1">Country Director
[log in to unmask]" alt="Description: Description: Log"> | VU TVM - pirmoji Lietuvoje universitetinė verslo mokykla įkurta 1989 metais, rengianti verslo, finansų, rinkodaros bakalaurus ir magistrus, organizuojanti vadovų mokymus. VU TVM - pirmoji Lietuvoje universitetinė aukštoji mokykla sertifikuota pagal ISO 9001:2008 kokybės standartą, aukštųjų universitetinių ir tęstinių studijų programų rengimo, studijų organizavimo ir vykdymo srityje. [log in to unmask]" alt="Description: Description: mel"> |
From: Virgínia Trigo [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 3:42 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Dear AIB members,
Sorry for cross posting. You are kindly invited to participate in the upcoming ESU Conference to be held in Lisbon from 19 to 23 August, 2013 as per information below. Please visit the ESU 2013 website
Your papers are most welcome and hope to see you in Lisbon!
Virginia Trigo
ISCTE Business School
[log in to unmask]" alt="Description:">[log in to unmask]">
ISCTE-IUL, LISBOA, Portugal, August 19th to 23rd 2013
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) is happy and proud to welcome the Entrepreneurship Summer University Conference and Doctoral Programme (ESU 2013) and is looking forward to meeting you all from August 19th to 23rd, 2013.
The ESU conference offers a unique opportunity for PhD students to meet and create their own networks. They can present their ideas in the international scientific forum and work on their doctoral thesis conjointly with the supervisors from all over the world.
ESU’s innovative format combines both a Conference and a Doctoral Programme (6 ECTs) where students can get feedback on their work. In addition, the idea is to combine scientific sessions and cultural events allowing people to discover the different regions of hosting universities. In this edition we will have the chance to get to know Portugal and the beautiful city of Lisbon.
The call for papers to the ESU 2013 Conference and Doctoral Programme is open till March 29th 2013.
Please visit the ESU 2013 website
We are looking forward to meeting you in Lisboa in August 2013!
António Caetano
Coordinator of the Organizing Committee ESU 2013
ESU 2013 - Lisboa
[log in to unmask]" alt="Description: Banner_Submission_Form">
Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE - IUL)
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