

 MICHIGAN ORGANIC FOOD AND FARM ALLIANCE is celebrating our 20th anniversary and want to hear your ideas how we can better serve our members and community. The event is being held in Flint and focused on new and urban farmers. This is a new way for us to do a conference, and we hope many find it appealing. The morning session is the technical portion with a facilitator and seeking participants contributions in addition to the program and the afternoon we are hosting a visioning session to help determine MOFFA's next steps. Read on for more details and registration info.  Please join us and share this news with others who may be interested. 

                                              MICHIGAN ORGANIC FOOD AND FARM ALLIANCE

                       20 years of service, 20 years of new challenges - the intergenerational connection



Michigan Organic Food and Farming Alliance will be hosting  a 20th anniversary event on November 10, 2012 with an educational morning session,  afternoon  strategic planning and early evening  joyous celebration at the Sarvis Center in Flint, MI.  The theme of this event is “Bridging the Gap: Michigan Organic Celebration, Conversation and Collaboration.”  The ultimate goal of this event is to bring together MOFFA members, and all within the organic community, to forge a consensus on a future path for MOFFA.  Together we will identify and prioritize the needs of our constituents through a facilitated discussion.  There is a tremendous need to build greater collaboration in the sustainable farming community.  Only by bringing together our rich diversity and the many unique perspectives of our multi-generational growers can we determine effective methods and ideas to address the challenges we face within the food system and for our organization.  The 20th Anniversary event will be dedicated to the memory of Susan Houghton –longtime organic teacher, friend and activist who sadly passed this spring 


The morning program will offer educational/dialogue sessions that are both chosen and led by our partner organizations in Flint, focused on production and marketing approaches relevant to urban farmers, but also very applicable to all growers.   Michigan organic farmers will present our keynote address relating their experiences, challenges and insights.  A conversation with all attendees will follow.  We encourage you to join us and share your perspectives and ideas for MOFFA. A delicious local-organic “Taste of Michigan” dinner will be offered in the late afternoon, sharing important events from the past year and a chance to catch up with old and new friends.  We invite you to continue our celebration with an “Afterglow Social Hour”– with food, beverages and live music to capture the essence of the day. In an effort to make this day accessible to all, the cost for the entire day is $25.00.  To register for this event please visit our MOFFA website –   Contact us at moffaorganic.@gmail .org with questions. To volunteer to assist with the event or if you are able to lend financial support through sponsorship please e-mail Carolyn Lowry ([log in to unmask])

Vicki Morrone
Organic Farming Specialist
Center For Regional Food Systems at MSU
480 Wilson Rd. Room 303
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-353-3542/517-282-3557 (cell)
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