CALL FOR PAPERS: Eroupean management Review

Interrelationship between Corporate Social Action and Social and Financial Performance: The perspective of Stakeholders and the Media


Purpose of the Special Issue

Corporate Social Action (CSA) has recently been gaining increasing scholarly attentionand is the focal topic of this Special Issue. 

Specifically, in this Special Issue we aim to focus on the interactions and interrelationship between CSA, Corporate Social performance (CSP) and Corporate Financial Performance (CFP).Indeed, the linkage between CSA, CSP and CFP presents as yet unresolved issues.  In particular studies are inconclusive on the nature of the impact of a stakeholder-oriented CSA on social and financial performance.

Accordingly this Special Issue welcomesstudies that seek further insight on this issue. We stress that while studies on the linkage between CSA and performanceoften take the narrowly-based perspective of the firm, we encourage authors to takea broad-based perspective that considersa diverse range of stakeholders.

In addition,an important agent driving the CSA-performance interrelationship is the medium through which CSA-related information is communicated between the firm and its stakeholders. Consequently there is a growing body of research on the form and extent of the impact of the media on these interrelationships.  Thus the Call for Paper encourages submissions of studies in the area relating to the meeting point of CSA, performance, stakeholder theory and the media. 

Examples of research themes and questions for the Special Issue

This Call for Paperencourages submissions relating to three issues:evaluation of CSA of various stakeholders; evidence on CSA-CSP-CFP interrelationship; and the role of the media in the CSA-performance interactions. Particularly welcome are contributions that explore long term trends in media reporting of CSA and the impact of such reporting on stakeholder relations, andon financial performance.

The Special Issue is open to papers from a wide range of academic disciplines. Contribution may be conceptual, theoretical or empirical in nature but should present new and interesting insights on the CSA-CSP-CFP interrelationship and on the role of stakeholders and the media is shaping these relationships.Specific research topicsand questions that may be addressed in theSpecial Issue include, but are not limited to, the following:

·         Linkage between Corporate Social Action (CSA) Corporate Social performance (CSP) and Corporate Financial Performance (CFP)

·         Analysis of stakeholder perspective on the balance between CSP and CFP in different industrial contexts and societies.

·         The role of CSA-related media reports in shaping corporate strategy concerning stakeholder management

·         Determinants of the nature of CSA-related media reports. In particular:What factors influencewhether the media take a positive or a negative stance on firms’ actions?  Is the choice of the CSAs that are being reported influenced by contemporary societal concerns such as over the environment or employment conditions?  Does CSA-related media coverage impact firms’ strategies and actions?

·         Under what conditions can firms achieve legitimacy and/orcreate reputation through theirCSA-related strategies and intentions?

·         What are the criteria and mechanisms that are used by stakeholders to assess CSP?

·         Analysis of CSA-related media coverage as a mechanism through which CSA is disseminated, interpreted and categorised

·         Analysis of the linkage between CSA, media reporting and stakeholders, and environmental risks and uncertainties.

·         The impact of CSA-related media reporting on stakeholders’ perception of CSA, CSP andthe social orientation of the firm.

·         The impact of CSA-related media reporting on the contents and characteristics of the firm's CSP and CFP

·         Analysis of CSA categories and media-reporting thereof. Which CSA-related categories tend to be presented positively (negatively) by the media?

Deadlines and the submission process

·         The deadline for submission is February 2013. Manuscripts need to be submitted via EMR’s manuscript Central system at:

·         Notification to authors will be sent in September 2013.

For further information please contact Dr. Ronny Manos, School of Management, Cranfield University, UK, at: [log in to unmask]


Authors submitting to the Special Issue will be invited to attend a conference to be held in Israel at the tentative date of late June, 2013.

Guest Editors

Israel Drori, School of Business, College of Management Academic Studies, Israel,

Ronny Manos, School of Management, Cranfield University, UK



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