Assistant Professor or Associate Professor or Full Professor Position Announcement


   The Academy of Chinese Energy Strategy (ACES) is a newly established school within the China University of Petroleum at Beijing that conducts basic social sciences research on energy, educates graduate students and professionals, and offers consulting services in the areas of energy strategy and policy. The former minster of National Energy Administration, Mr. ZHANG Guobao has beeninvited to be the first dean.

In 2013, the school plans to hire four established or young scholars with overseas experiences or with an interdisciplinary background. 

A. Economics or Related Disciplines

     Requires a Ph.D. from a top-tier Chinese or overseas university and strong research ability.  Preferences will be given to those with a background in energy economics or international economics.

B.  Management

     Requires a Ph.D. from a top-tier Chinese or overseas university in the fields of strategic management, management science, or Industrial engineering, or engineering economics as well as strong capability in research and project management.

C.  International Relations

    Requires a Ph.D. from a top-tier Chinese or overseas university in the areas of international politics or international relations and academic publications in the fields of political sciences or international relations.  Candidates must have a background in economics or international political economy.

To apply, candidates must submit: (1) a CV, (2) a brief summary of main research achievements and publications in the past five years.  Candidates who pass an initial screen will be invited for a campus visit. The application deadline will be on the end of March, 2013.     

WANG Zhen, Professor and Executive Dean

Academy of Chinese Energy Strategy

China University of Petroleum at Beijing

Tel:86-10-89731982, Fax:86-10-89731752

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