

Faculty Position in International Business,
College of Business
San Francisco State University


The Department of International Business is accepting application for one full-time, tenure-track, assistant professor.   The position requires graduate and undergraduate teaching, professional development and academic research, student advising, and service to the college and department.


Candidates are sought who have expertise in International Business in a geographical area in the Pacific Rim, Europe or Latin America with competence or a strong interest in emerging and developing economies.  Candidates should be able to teach an introductory course in International Business but should also have a functional area specialty such as Global Entrepreneurship. 


Minimum qualifications:

Earned Ph.D. in Business (closely related fields will also be considered) or a D.B.A.;

A clearly demonstrated primary focus in teaching and research in international business;

Evidence of excellence in teaching (such as “superior” teaching evaluations, awards, or a recommendation from a faculty-advisor).


The appointment date is Fall 2013.  The processing of applications will begin on January 30, 2013, and continue until the position is filled. All final decisions will be contingent on budget and funding.


Letters of application and resumes can be sent either as hard copies or email attachments ([log in to unmask]).  All other supporting materials, i.e., papers, should be sent as hard copies to:


Gerardo R. Ungson

Chair of Search Committee

College of Business

San Francisco State University

1600 Holloway Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94132


Please see webpage for further information about the Department:


San Francisco State University is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer.

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