I am happy to announce the finalists of the Dunning Visiting fellowship programme for 2012-13. As in previous years, we have had a very enthusiastic response to the fellowship - We received 16 applications for the program for this year, from a variety of applicants across the world. A committee consisting of Mark Casson, Alan Rugman and Rajneesh Narula reviewed the applications. The visiting fellowship programme is aimed at creating opportunities for researchers at the early stages of the career to visit and collaborate with academics at the J.H. Dunning Centre, and to utilise resources associated with the John H. Dunning Library. Visiting fellows are expected to give at least one seminar, and to spend between 2 and 4 weeks in residence over an academic year (between September and June). The Dunning Fellowship has been made possible in part by a donation by Christine Dunning in memory of her late husband. Last year's recipients of the fellowship were: Niron Hashai (Hebrew University) and Christian Geisler Asmussen (Copenhagen Business School). This year's fellows are: *Vikas Kumar* Vikas completed his PhD in International Business in 2004 from the Boeing Institute of International Business at Saint Louis University, USA, and is currently an Associate Professor in International Business at the University of Sydney Business School. His research interests are broadly in the areas of Global Strategy, Foreign Direct Investment and Emerging Markets. His research has been published in journals such as Journal of Management Studies, Management International Review, Journal of World Business, British Journal of Management and European Journal of Marketing. *Andrea Martinez-Noya* Andrea has a PhD from the University of Oviedo (2008) and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Management Department at the University of Oviedo in Spain. Her research is on internationalization and cooperation strategies on R&D. She has published in Journal of International Management, International Business Review, and Journal of Management Studies, amongst others. We look forward to welcoming them to Henley Business School! Rajneesh Narula Professor of International Business Regulation Director, John H. Dunning Centre for International Business Henley Business School University of Reading, UK http://www.henley.reading.ac.uk/dunning http://narula.unu-merit.nl/ Register for the Reading-UNCTAD IB Conference, 8-9 April 2013 http://www.henley.ac.uk/management/research/centres/mgmt-cibs-conference-2013.aspx ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.