

Professor of Marketing (Assoc./Full), University of Fribourg, Switzerland


The University of Fribourg/Switzerland ( invites applications for a position in marketing. The position is at the Associate or Full Professor level, beginning September 2013. The University of Fribourg is bilingual (French/German). Teaching language for this position in marketing is mainly French but some courses on the master level should be taught in English.

A detailed description of the position as well as information on the necessary documents for the application are given in Applications should be send before October 31, 2012, to the chair of the search committee, Professor Dusan Isakov, at [log in to unmask].









Univ.-Professor Dr. Dirk Morschett

Chair for International Management -
Liebherr/Richemont Endowed Chair

University of Fribourg

Boulevard de Pérolles 90, Bureau D-310

CH-1700 Fribourg



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Tel. +41/26/300-8417

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