Dear Colleagues: We wish to extend a strong invitation to you to participate in the upcoming conference - Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference on "Competing and Cooperating in and for China" in Guangzhou, China during December 14-16, 2012. In partnership with and hosted by Sun Yat-Sen Business School (SYSBS), Sun Yat-Sen University, China, this special conference will provide a platform to bring strategy, management and business scholars and practitioners together to discuss and develop strategies for how local and foreign firms can compete and cooperate within China and within the international market. Registration is now open via SMS web where more concrete information concerning keynote sessions, panel sessions, PDW workshop, conference awards, travel logistics, and registration details is provided (see The conference will be featured with several plenary panels covering competing in and for China, collaborative strategies in and for China, corporate governance and executive leadership in and for China, what's next for strategic management research in China, and innovation strategy in China. Panelists and discussants will include Jay Barney, Garry Bruton, Sea-Jin Chang, Tailan Chi, Ming-Jer Chen, Mike Hitt, Haiyang Li, Neng Liang, Yadong Luo, Marjorie Lyles, Shige Makino, Marshall Meyer, Laura Poppo, Jeff Reuer, Steve Tallman, Justin Tan, Steen Thomsen, Eric Tsang, Anja Tuschke, Margarethe Wiersema, and George Yip, Anthea Zhang, among others. The conference will also have an executive session consisting of panelists and speakers from large Chinese companies and foreign multinationals competing and cooperating in China. We believe this conference will be an exciting and enriching event to attend. We look forward to seeing you in Guangzhou, China! Sincerely, Program Co-Chairs: Yan (Anthea) Zhang (Rice), Jeffrey Reuer (Purdue), Shujun Zhang (Sun Yat-Sen Business School) Conference Convenors: Ming-Jer Chen (U. of Virginia) and Yadong Luo (U. of Miami) ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.