Dear Sir / Madam,
I would like to send a cross posting email with the following contents please:
Assistant Professor of Financial Accounting/AIS
Accounting Department (AACSB-Accounting Accredited) (
Faculty of Business and Economics(AACSB-Accredited)
United Arab Emirates University, UAE
Job Description:
A full time faculty at the rank of Assistant Professor position in the area of Financial Accounting and AIS at the Department of Accountancy
starting Spring 2013. Qualified candidates are expected to have a strong commitment to teaching excellence and student advising at the undergraduate, a demonstrable research capability that will enable the candidate to develop and sustain an internally
and/or externally funded research program in his/her area of expertise, publish his/her research findings in refereed international journals, and actively engage in promoting the growth of the Accountancy program and Faculty of Business & Economics (FBE) at
UAE University.
The application package should include a cover letter, a detailed resume, a brief description of current/future research activities, teaching philosophy, and courses taught. English is the language of instructions and communication in the FBE. The Accountancy
program is an AACSB-Accounting Accredited, while the FBE is an AACSB accredited school.
Minimum Qualifications:
Applicants must have an earned doctorate in Financial Accounting / AIS, from a university in an English speaking country. A good research record in the area of
Financial Accounting and/or AIS published in international journals is also a preference factor. The emphasis on Financial Accounting in the Ph.D. for the fresh graduates is a must, unless compensated for by established teaching and work experience in the
area. The ability to teach undergraduate courses in general business accounting is a must in all cases.
A professional designation (CPA, ACCA,...) and practical industry experiences are strong additions.
Job Type:
Full Time
Job Open Date: 16th Sept 2012
Job Closing Date: Open until filled
Top Apply Online:
Many thanks for your cooperation.
Kind regards.
Yours sincerely,
Ahmed Abdel-Maksoud
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