Mount Royal University, Regis University and the Journal of Global Commerce Research invite you to participate in the International Conference on Global Commerce and Sustainability

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Date: October 5 - 6, 2012

Venue: Bissett School of Business, Mount Royal University

Calgary, Canada


The present global issues today are affected in no small measure by sustainable development and energy needs to fuel such development. The conference focuses on two major themes: (1) education for sustainable development and (2) sustainable energy exploration, exploitation and reclamation projects.


The UNESCO Implementation Scheme identifies the following with regards to education and sustainable development:

"In pursuing education for sustainable development…there must be some clarity in what sustainable development means and what it is aiming at.

  • Society: an understanding of social institutions and their role in change and development, as well as the democratic and participatory systems which give opportunity for the expression of opinion, the selection of governments, the forging of consensus and the resolution of differences.
  • Environment: awareness of the resources and fragility of the physical environment and the effects on it of human activity and decisions, with a commitment to factoring environmental concerns into social and economic policy development.
  • Economy: a sensitivity to the limits and potential of economic growth and their impact on society and on the environment, with a commitment to assess personal and societal levels of consumption out of concern for the environment and for social justice.

Education for sustainable development is fundamentally about values, with respect at the centre: respect for others, including those of present and future generations, for difference and diversity, for the environment, and for the resources of the planet we inhabit.

Education enables us to understand ourselves and others and our links with the wider natural and social environment, and this understanding serves as a durable basis for building respect. Along with a sense of justice, responsibility, exploration and dialogue, education for sustainable development aims to move us to adopting behaviours and practices which enable all to live a full life without being deprived of basics.

Education for sustainable development mirrors the concern for education of high quality, demonstrating characteristics such as:

  • Interdisciplinary and holistic: learning for sustainable development embedded in the whole curriculum, not as a separate subject;
  • Values-driven: sharing the values and principles underpinning sustainable development;
  • Critical thinking and problem solving: leading to confidence in addressing the dilemmas and challenges of sustainable development;
  • Multi-method: word, art, drama, debate, experience, different pedagogies which model the processes;
  • Participatory decision-making: learners participate in decisions on how they are to learn;
  • Locally relevant: addressing local as well as global issues, and using the language(s) which learners most commonly use (UNESCO, 2006)."


The second theme - energy related – derives from the fact that the host country and province for the conference are Canada and Alberta, both global leaders in mining and energy exploration and also hosts of one of the largest reclamation projects in the world.

The conference invites international scholars and practitioners to submit abstracts, posters, and proposals pertaining to sustainability in education, commerce, global business, resource exploitation and recovery, renewable energy and sustainable management practices. While these are main subjects and tracks for the conference we also encourage submission of papers with the following as topics:

      Education and Curriculum Development

      Sustainable Management Practices

      Sustainability in Education

      Sustainable Energy Exploration and Reclamation Projects

      Business Systems and Processes

      Transportation, Logistics and Security

      International Business Management

      Business Leadership

      Organizational Behavior and Learning

      Business Strategy and Technology/Innovation

      Market Trends

      Concept Development and Commercialization


      Financing Concepts and Expansions (feed and tariffs, jobs, etc)

      Intellectual Property Rights

      Updates in Global Commerce  and Supply Chain Management

      Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Management

      Public Policy Analysis

      Advertizing and promotion management,

      Business Information Systems,

      Business Law,

      Business and Cross-Cultural Managerial Communication,

      Labor Relations and Human Resource Management,

      Marketing Theory, Research and Applications,

      Operations/Production Management/ Research/Statistics

      Business Entrepreneurship,

      Strategic  Management Policy,

      Corporate and International finance,

      Emerging Markets and Economic Development,

      Financial Institutions, Services  and Markets,

      International Economics and Trade,

      Macroeconomics and Microeconomics,

      Portfolio and Security Analysis,

      Public Policy and Regional Economics

      International Tax Accounting


Accepted papers will be considered for the Best Paper Award and publication in the Journal of Global Commerce Research ( or the Journal of Current Research in Global Business.



Send your submissions (Word 2003 or higher) and suggestions for panel discussions by September 25, 2012 to:  Dr. Luka Powanga at [log in to unmask]  or to Dr. Frank Cotae at [log in to unmask]


Please see the Journal and Conference submission guidelines at:



Hotel Accommodations

We are pleased to announce that we have negotiated a substantial discount for hotel accommodations for conference participants. The hotel chosen will be Hyatt Regency Calgary. Guests can begin making reservations by either clicking on the following link: , or by calling the hotel at 403 537-4438. Please be sure to mention that you are attending Global Commerce Forum at Bissett School of Business, Mount Royal University.


Each morning participants will be picked up from the hotel and brought back with school chartered buses at no expense as this will be a complimentary service provided by Bissett School of Business.


Conference Fees

Early bird - $ 200 (if registered by July 30th)

Regular - $295

Students - $50

Mount Royal University Faculty - $100


Participants from developing countries may received additional discounts and will be provided with a letter of invitation by the university for receiving a Canadian visa. Please check in advance to make sure that your country is included in the visa exempt program with Canada. Please visit the following link to determine if you need a letter of invitation:


Who Should Attend

This is a forum for academia, senior level executives and professionals in any industry and officials from national governments to share ideas and latest developments in all facets of local and global business and sustainability;  Attendees include:

  • Scholars and academics
  • Students
  • Architectures and designers
  • Attorneys and regulatory specialists
  • Entrepreneurs, Innovators and developers
  • Industry executives
  • Investors and venture capitalists and social entrepreneurs
  • Market analysts
  • Federal, state, local government and national government policy makers and regulators
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Researchers, engineers, environmental analysts, scientists, and biologists
  • Shippers, port authorities, Logistics, transportation, supply chain companies
  • Third and fourth party logistics, manufacturers, retailers and consultants


Why You Should Attend

  1. Quality and Solution orientation:  You will be exposed to high quality presentations of innovative real life case studies and current and future trends, and the changes and opportunities inherent in these changes from industry experts, business executives and researchers. As a business person, you will be exposed to proven strategies that you can immediately apply to your organization in addition to using the knowledge to assess the effectiveness of your organization’s sustainability programs against the industry leaders, and effect positive change in your organization. As a researcher, you will have insight into the issues and opportunities facing the businesses that you can use as a basis for your research to solve real life problems or improve government policies.

2.      Diversity: the conference draws attendees and presenters from all over the world with diverse topics allowing you to network and showcase your technologies and solutions possibly make new business partners abroad. The diversity of topics ensures that you do not have moments of boredom.

  1. Unique Experience: This is the only conference that brings together representatives from academia, national governments, and business executives from all over the world to give you a unique perspective on contemporary business issues, research and technologies for the purpose of advancing sustainability through collaboration.    You will view posters and conference papers on every conceivable business topics and advancement in sustainable education, technological innovations in logistics, fossil/renewable energy, reclamation projects, environment and the tools for sustainability performance measures.   You will have the opportunity to meet with not only your peers but with international practitioners and scholars. 
  2. Networking and Value: With dedicated networking time at the Forum – you will expand your network of international scholars and senior-level executives from top companies drawn worldwide.  You will have the opportunity to come away with knowledge that you need to successfully commercialize a technology, run efficient operations while meeting the sustainability needs, know the market trends and the policy issues in at least the energy, logistics and environmental areas; all this under a relaxed and friendly atmosphere on account of the controlled size of the conference and the many networking opportunities offered to attendees allowing you to spend more time  with those who peak your business interest.


Comments from previous attendees

"The Conference provided an excellent opportunity to network with important individuals, the presentations provided were extremely informative and I learned a lot!"

Carol Barbeito, Ph.D., President, Earth Protect

The conference provided an excellent opportunity to get exposed to the business and academic issues in the field. The topics discussed were current and relevant and the academic research provided interesting insights into the business.”


Dinorah Frutos, Southern New Hampshire University


What I enjoyed most about the International Conference was the Intelligence of the presentations and the ease of networking among attendees” 


Robert L. Candiotti, Founder and CEO,




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