Hola Colegas
I am doing a paper on the impact of culture and institutions on certain societal actions. Since increasingly have a pro/anti Globe, Schwartz, Hofstede view I ran all three for the 20 countries I am working with. I first did correlations and then tried to reduce the data by a principal components factor analysis. I find that while about half of the Schwartz variables form their own unique factors, the Globe variables all load significantly and well above .6 loading on or the Hofstede variables. I want to double check what I am doing so I am sending this to the list with two questions:
1. Is what I have done legitimate
2. Can I combine the Schwartz variables that are independent with Hofstede variables to test
3. Should I use the factor scores instead of running separate regressions for each cultural base.
As always thanks
Stephen B. Salter
Stephen B. Salter Ph.D
Professor of Accounting & Endowed Chair of Western Hemispheric Trade/
Profesor de la Contabilidad y del Comercio Hemisférico Occidental
Department of Accounting
University of Texas at El Paso
El Paso TX 79968-0542
Phone : (915) 747-7755
Fax : (915) 747-8618