1. ED040: Undergraduate Geoscience Research Highlights
This poster session will bring together undergraduate student presenters with faculty co-authors to highlight undergraduate research experiences in Earth and space science, geoscience, and geophysics. Students from community colleges to research institutions, from the freshman through senior years are encouraged to disseminate their original ongoing and completed projects. The session is co-sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research-Geoscience Division and the American Geophysical Union.
2. ED041: Undergraduate Research Program Design and Effectiveness in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
A popular approach for increasing student interest in advanced degrees is the development and implementation of summer and academic year undergraduate research programs. These programs are often designed to engage students from colleges without research opportunities and students from underrepresented groups. This session seeks submissions from those who have developed and/or assessed undergraduate research programs' effectiveness. Programs designed to accommodate participation by tribal college, community college, disabled, GLBT, or underrepresented students are also of interest.
3. ED028 - Preparing Undergraduate Students for Geoscience Careers and Degrees
Many future geoscientists determine their career path early in their undergraduate education, either in large introductory geoscience classes or at a two-year college. This session explores resources and strategies for recruiting and preparing these students for geoscience careers, either as geotechnical graduates (e.g., earth resources, environmental management, marine technology) or as geoscience majors at four-year colleges and universities. We are also interested in how programs provide career advice and mentoring to students at either two-year colleges or four-year college and universities. And, submissions that discuss strategies that facilitate the transfer process, such as articulation agreements, annual meetings of 2YC and 4YC faculty in a particular region, and other efforts, are also welcome. We particularly welcome contributions from programs that have developed evaluation methods for their recruiting and preparation efforts.
We are interested in learning more about what you are doing to prepare undergraduate students for geoscience careers – either individually (in your classes, your advising and mentoring, in co-curricular or extracurricular activities) or collectively (as a department or program, through deliberate recruiting strategies, departmental curriculum designed to prepare students for the workforce directly or for moving to the next academic stage and another degree), career advising, alumni panels, internship programs, and the like).
First Authors can have a maximum of one (1) contributed, and one (1) invited abstract, or two (2) invited abstracts. The only exemption to this policy is the submission of (1) additional contributed abstract to an Education (ED) or Public Affairs (PA) session. (This means that you can submit to an Education session and still submit to a scientific session as first author). Click here for more on abstract submission policies.