Call for proposals: Special Issue of Socio-Economic Review
to be published in January, 2014
Socio-Economic Review (SER) is pleased to invite proposals for a thematic Special Issue to be published in January 2014. A proposal should contain the following information:
1. The names, contact details, and positions of the proposed Guest Editor(s) together with brief biographical details.
2. The title of the proposed special issue.
3. A one-page summary “call for papers” indicating the main theme, key topics, and methodological foci for submissions to the Special Issue. While most editors will utilize a mix of invited and open submissions, Special
Issues can be also considered that use only invited submissions. Please provide a list containing 300 word abstracts of any planned invited contributions, information about the authors and indication of their commitment.
4. A two or three page description of the
rationale behind the proposal, its planned scope, its innovative nature in relation to existing published work, and its likely relevance for readers of Socio-Economic Review (see the Editorial Policy Statement of SER
The Chief Editor and Editors of SER will assess proposals for the Special Issue, and inform guest editors of decisions in roughly 3-4 weeks. Once accepted,
Guest editors of Special Issues are responsible for ensuring that authors adhere to SER’s editorial policy and formal guidelines. The submitted manuscripts will undergo double-blind peer review according to SER standards—this standard
applies to both open submissions and papers invited by the guest editors. The word count of each paper should be between 6,000 and 10,000 words. The total word count of an issue will not usually exceed 70,000 words (including refs, notes, diagrams and tables).
Guest Editors will be asked to work according to the following timetable:
September 21, 2012: Deadline for submission of Special Issue proposals
October 2012: Issue of the public “call for papers” for the Special Issue.
March 2013:
Deadline for first submission of papers. Begin of review and revision process.
September 30, 2013: Deadline for submission of production-ready final
Proposals and queries may be sent to chief editor Gregory Jackson at: [log in to unmask]
Professor Dr. Gregory Jackson
Institute of Management
School of Business & Economics
Freie Universität Berlin
Berlin 14165
Tel. +49-30-83852132
Email: [log in to unmask]