

Dear AIB members,


As its new Chief Editor in 2012, I would like to briefly introduce the journal, Socio-Economic Review (SER).  SER aims to encourage work on the relationship between society, economy, institutions and markets, moral commitments and the rational pursuit of self-interest.  The journal sits at the intersection of economic sociology and political economy, and consequently many of our interests also fall within the realm of international business research.


SER is proud to announce its first Impact Factor of 1.78 for the year 2011. This positions it within the top 15% in the 2011 ISI category of Economics, the top 11% in Sociology, and the top 7% in Political Science. 


SER welcomes submissions of excellent papers from international business scholars, particularly works dealing with the social and political embeddedness of multi-national enterprises, cross-nationally comparative studies of host and home country institutional influences on companies, and strategic aspects of how corporations deal with the diversity of institutions and the unique governance problems arising in a global context. 


To introduce our journal to AIB members, SER has made a recent “state of the art” available free on-line:


The social embeddedness of multinational companies: a literature review
Martin Heidenreich
Volume 10, Issue 3, 2012




Professor Dr. Gregory Jackson

Institute of Management

School of Business & Economics

Freie Universität Berlin


Berlin 14165


Tel.  +49-30-83852132

Email:  [log in to unmask]


Chief Editor of Socio-Economic Review

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