

Hello all,

I am delighted to inform you of our upcoming Faculty Development in International Business program that will be held in Indonesia in January of 2013.  The University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Hawaii CIBERs have co-sponsored faculty development programs in Southeast Asia for a number of years.  Last year, for example, some AIB members joined us for our development program in Vietnam.  The year before that we had AIB members participate in our program that visited Malaysia and Singapore.  We hope that our upcoming program to Indonesia will also be of interest to AIB members.

Please take a look at the attached flyer that provides basic information about the program.  If you have questions, please contact either Susan Huber Miller at Wisconsin ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) or Grant Kim at Hawaii ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).  For more information or to apply, visit:

As in the past, I plan to participate in the delivery of this program.  I hope to see some of you in Indonesia in January.


Randall B. Dunham
Keenan A. Bennett Chair
Chair, Management & Human Resources
Chair, International Business
Faculty Director UW CIBER
Wisconsin School of Business
975 University Avenue
Madison  WI  53706

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