2-year Research Fellowship Opportunity available at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, Italy.

The ideal candidate holds a
PhD in Economics, Management or related subjects, has expertise in working with EPO and/or USPTO data and has sound micro-econometric skills. Knowledge of the literature on Foreign Direct Investments is an advantage, but not a requirement.

The selected candidate will analyze the patenting behavior of Emerging Economies' Multinationals investing in Europe.

For more information please visit the websites below and see the attached documents:



Best regards,

Elisa Giuliani

Associate Professor
Dep. Business Administration
Faculty of Economics
University of Pisa
Via Ridolfi 10, 56124, Pisa, Italy
P.I. IT 00286820501
Office 116

Tel. + 39 050 2216280
Fax: + 39 050 2216267 (new)
Homepage: www.dea.unipi.it/staff/e.giuliani


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