

   Along with beating the summer heat, we wanted to share a couple of 
items regarding teacher education at this Fall's GSA meeting in Charlotte.

First, we just wanted to remind people of session *T76 -- Teaching 
Teachers: Examples of Successful Geoscience Content Courses and 
Workshops for Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers*. This session 
encompasses all aspects of working with teachers including content 
courses, methods courses, and workshops. Don't forget that the deadline 
for submitting an abstract is *August 14^th *.

   Second, if you work with teachers, please email Jennifer Anderson at 
[JLAnderson (at)] and briefly describe your background, how 
you are involved in Earth Science Teacher Education, and list 3-4 of the 
most important issues that you face as an Earth Science Teacher Educator 
or Researcher. We plan on sharing the results at GSA but need your input 
first. Thanks to those who have already done so. The more we hear from 
you, the clearer picture we will have of who we are as a community 
within Geoscience Ed.

   Lastly, there continues to be interest for a Teacher Education 
division within NAGT.  If you are interested in helping to make this a 
reality, send an email to Kyle Gray [kyle.gray (at)] and watch 
for a possible gathering at GSA.

    Thanks for all who have supported Teacher Ed within the geosciences. 
And don't forget to submit those abstracts today!!!

-Kyle Gray (Northern Iowa)
  Jennifer Anderson (Winona State)
  Amy Ellwein (Western State)