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Nepalese Academy of Management (NAM) &

Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (UK)

Doctoral (Ph. D.) & Junior Faculty Consortium


March 30 -31, 2013, Kathmandu, Nepal

The Nepalese Academy of Management (NAM) in association with The Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS) is pleased to announce the first Nepalese Doctoral & Junior Faculty Consortium which will take place on March 30 & 31, 2013 in Kathmandu, Nepal.  The consortium is open to a wide range of business related disciplines including Management, Strategy, Economics, Entrepreneurship, and Development Studies.

The goals of the consortium are:

1.      To learn about the research and publishing process in major international journals

2.      To build research relationships within Nepal and other scholars from other nations

3.      To receive feedback on research projects currently in process


1st day (30th March 2013)

Participants who have completed at least a Masters degree and have enrolled in a PhD program or have a doctorate in hand may participate in Day 1.  This day will consist of lectures and exercises on how to publish research  

All consortium participants are to register for the first day of the consortium. 

The registration fee is INR 500 (for one day only).

The registration fee covers the cost of lunch and all printed material.

 2nd day   (31st March 2013)

Ph. D. candidates and junior faculty who wish to delve deeper into publishing may participate in Day 2.  The participants in this day are to have research articles prepared they wish to receive feedback on.  The visiting faculty will provide comments on the articles.  In addition exercises will be conducted on how to evaluate and improve articles.

To participate in Day 2 participants must participate in Day 1 of the consortium and apply for Day 2.

The application for Day much include the following information:

 i.            Name, title of article, enrolled or employed at what university, cell No., E-mail and alternative E-mail (if any), date of birth, and key words. 

ii.              A very concise problem statement, objectives, motivation, expected outcomes/ contributions. 

 iii.            A concise 1 to 2 page version of current CV

 iv.            Draft of article to be commented on

The registration fee for both days is INR 1000 (scholars from South Asia) and US $ 50 (scholars other than South Asia). A limited number of Ph. D. scholars will be selected to participate in the close discussion. Submitted papers will be assessed independently from the scientific committee of the Doctoral Consortium. During the doctoral consortium, researchers will be asked to present their work either in the form of a poster or as an oral presentation.

Submit materials to [log in to unmask] 


Submission Deadline  ---  November 15, 2012

Acceptance Notification ---December 31, 2012

Registration Deadline ---February 10, 2013

Ph. D. Consortium ---March 30-31, 2013


Key Resource Faculty for NAM- 2013 Doctoral consortium


 Dr. Garry D. Bruton – Texas Christian University (USA) -- [log in to unmask]


Dr.  Mike Wright – Imperial College (UK) -- [log in to unmask]


Dr. Dev R. Adhikari - President of Nepalese Academy of Management (NAM)


Dr. Dhruba K. Gautam - Doctoral Consortium Coordinator -- [log in to unmask]

Please feel free to contact any of the resource faculty with questions.
Garry D. Bruton, Ph.D.

Fehmi Zeko Faculty Fellowship

Neeley School of Business at TCU

Fort Worth, Texas 76129

Phone:  (817) 257-7421


Co-director - Institute for Global Innovation

and Chinese Entrepreneurship at Tongji University – China


Honorary Professor - Department of Business

Administration  at Sun Yat-sen Business School (SYSBS)- China

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