

Dear Colleagues:

If you are coming to the AIB conference in Washington D.C., you are invited
to an exciting session on Internationalizing and Enriching the Business
Curriculum, with five interesting papers. Here are some details of the

Internationalizing and Enriching the Business Curriculum
Chair: Vinod K Jain, India-US World Affairs Institute, Inc.

Monday, July 2, 2012
Session 2.4.12
2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Room: Meridian C
Track: 13 - Teaching IB

My own paper in this session is about a course I had been teaching at the
Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, for the last
four years: International Business Boot Camp (An Intensive IB Course with
Field Visits).

This is an intensive version of our undergraduate IB survey course, offered
as a "boot camp" over a period of one week, but with significant amount of
pre- and post-work. The course was offered at the Ronald Reagan Building,
with lectures in the mornings and visits to international organizations in
the afternoons. Washington is a quintessentially international city, and
the course made full use of Washington's international resources, such as
the World Bank, IMF, EU Commission to the United States, MNEs, Port of
Baltimore, and embassies.

If you are not coming to the AIB conference, you can find more information
about the course through this link: This
link also has my course syllabus, student feedback, and even a short video
of a previous offering of the course.

Best regards,


Vinod K. Jain, Ph.D.
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