Dear APJM Contributors,
Asia Pacific Journal of Management (APJM) is the official journal of the Asia Academy of Management (a regional affiliate of the Academy of Management). We are pleased to share our second issue for 2012. The first part of this issue is the Special Issue on Leadership in Asia, guest edited by Long W. "Rico" Lam, Xu Huang, and Dora C. Lau, and featuring Robert Liden's Perspectives paper on leadership research in Asia. The second part has additional papers like our regular issues. If you follow the links on the page numbers listed in the Table of Contents below, you can go straight to the article sites.
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Special Issue: Leadership in Asia
Guest Editors: Long W. “Rico” Lam, Xu Huang, and Dora C. Lau
Contributing to the Asia Pacific Journal of Management
D. Ahlstrom 191
Leadership research in Asia: Taking the road less traveled?
L.W. Lam ; X. Huang ; D.C. Lau 195
Leadership research in Asia: A brief assessment and suggestions for the future
R.C. Liden 205
The distinctive effects of dual-level leadership behaviors on employees’ trust
in leadership: An empirical study from China
Y. Bai ; P.P. Li ; Y. Xi 213
Does transformational leadership facilitate technological innovation? The moderating
roles of innovative culture and incentive compensation
M.Y.-C. Chen ; C.Y.-Y. Lin ; H.-E. Lin ; E.F. McDonough III 239
Transformational leadership and gatekeeping leadership: The roles of norm
for maintaining consensus and shared leadership in team performance
J. Ishikawa 265
Benevolent leadership and follower performance: The mediating role of leader–member
exchange (LMX)
S.C.H. Chan ; W.-m. Mak 285
Ownership structure, family leadership, and performance of affiliate firms in large
family business groups
H.-M. Chung ; S.-T. Chan 303
Leaders’ social ties, knowledge acquisition capability and firm competitive advantage
J. Wu ; X. Chen 331
A multi-level study of emergent group leadership: Effects of emotional stability
and group conflict
Y. Li ; C. Hui ; N.M. Ashkanasy ; D. Ahlstrom 351
The development of entrepreneurship in Chinese communities: An organizational
symbiosis perspective
J. Li ; M.N. Young ; G. Tang 367
The effects of institutional ties on knowledge acquisition in uncertain environments
K. Xu ; K.-F. Huang ; S. Gao 387
Entrepreneurial orientation and SME performance in China’s changing environment:
The moderating effects of strategies
Z. Tang ; J. Tang 409
Shared rewards and goal interdependence for psychological safety among departments
in China
G. Chen ; D. Tjosvold 433
Organizational culture and partner interaction in the management of international
joint ventures in India
F. Damanpour ; C. Devece ; C.C. Chen ; V. Pothukuchi 453
Managerial ownership and the role of privatization in transition economies:
The case of China
L. Wang ; W.Q. Judge 479
The private benefits of control in Chinese listed firms: Do case flow rights always reduce
controlling shareholders’ tunneling?
J.-h. Luo ; D.-f. Wan ; D. Cai 499