

Dear Members of the World Investment Network (WIN), 

You are invited to join UNCTAD’s online debate on its new Investment 
Policy Framework for Sustainable Development (IPFSD). 

Through its core principles, guidelines and options for national and 
international investment policymaking, UNCTAD's IPFSD supports sustainable 
development friendly investment policymaking at both, the national and 
international level. 

UNCTAD's IPFSD responds to the recognition that at a time of persistent 
crises and pressing social and environmental challenges, mobilizing 
investment and ensuring that it contributes to sustainable development 
objectives is a priority for all countries and for developing countries in 
particular. Against this background, a new generation of investment 
policies is emerging, pursuing a broader and more intricate development 
policy agenda, while building or maintaining a generally favourable 
investment climate. “New generation” investment policies place inclusive 
growth and sustainable development at the heart of efforts to attract and 
benefit from investment and broadly, strive to:

create synergies with wider economic development goals, and achieve 
integration in development strategies; 
foster responsible investmentand incorporate principles of corporate 
social responsibility (CSR);
ensure policy effectiveness in design and implementation and in the 
institutional environment.

UNCTAD’s IPFSD consists of a set of Core Principles for investment 
policymaking, guidelines for national investment policies, and guidance 
(in the form of options) for the design and negotiation of international 
investment agreements (IIAs). The IPFSD provides a point of reference for 
stakeholders of the investment-development community. 

IPFSD has been designed as a “living document”. UNCTAD’s “IPFSD online” 
establishes an interactive open-source platform that will enable 
stakeholders to exchange views and experiences in order to stimulate 
critical assessment of the guidelines and help us to continuously improve 
them for the benefit of all. We look forward to your participation in the 
IPFSD online discussion forum.

Please create an account on UNCTAD's Investment Policy Hub, which will 
allow you to login to the website, participate in general discussions, 
leave specific comments on the IPFSD and its individual parts, or suggest 
new topics for discussion. You also have the option to set up email alerts 
for specific discussion topics or sections of the IPFSD. After registering 
you will receive an email to validate your account, so please check your 
email account. The general terms of use of the United Nations are 
applicable to the use of the IPFSD forum.

We very much look forward to your feedback and constructive suggestions. 
In case of any questions, please contact us at [log in to unmask]

Please be also informed that IPFSD will form the main theme of this year's 
World Investment Report which will be launched on 5 July 2012. 

With best regards, 

James X. Zhan
Investment & Enterprise Division
United Nations Conference on Trade & Development
Palais des Nations, Geneva
Tel: +41 22 9175797
