Call For Papers 29th Euro-Asia Management Studies Association (EAMSA <> ) Annual Conference Singapore - National University of Singapore 31 October - 3 November 2012 Deadline for Paper Submission, 10 July 2012 Conference Theme National Cultures, Organizational Cultures, Hybrid Cultures Concepts, Criticisms, Challenges Singapore is an important hub for multinational enterprises from Europe, the US and Asia. From here, MNEs coordinate and control their business activities within Asia and sometimes even worldwide. The labor market of Singapore attracts managerial talent from all over the world, with diverse contractual statuses and varied educational and occupational backgrounds and experiences that are often acquired in third countries other than Singapore or the respective home country. This makes Singapore an ideal place to discuss the relevance of national, organizational, and hybrid cultures. One might ask, for instance, how useful popular concepts of national culture, such as Hofstede's, are in a globalizing world to explain business behavior or managerial and employee attitudes. It is also increasingly recognized that hybridity and cultural diversity can generate important advantages for companies in terms of market understanding, product innovation, human resource development, and internal and external corporate communication. What are companies doing to realize these advantages? Papers contributing to the Conference Theme: We invite papers that deal with the above questions from a conceptual, empirical, or exploratory perspective. We encourage contributors of empirical papers for some additional reflection on the underlying theoretical and methodological assumptions of their research. We hope to open up new perspectives on intercultural management between Asia, Europe and other regions. Possible topic areas include: * Review and development of theoretical approaches with regards to intercultural management, cultural influences, organizational cultures, and hybridity * Empirical studies on the importance of national or organizational cultures and their changes over time * Current issues in intercultural management and communication * Emergence and organization of multi-cultural business hubs in Europe and Asia * Innovation and cultural diversity * Human resource management and cultural diversity * Subsidiary management and organization * Locational decision making, entry mode change and local embeddedness * Regional headquarters Papers outside of the main conference theme: As in previous years, we also welcome papers outside of the main conference theme that deal with issues of international business in Europe and Asia, especially papers that look at the interface between the two regions. For submission details, please refer to the conference website: <> SUBMISSION PROCEDURE AND DEADLINES There are three types of sessions for individual paper submissions. Please select the most appropriate type of session format from the following: Competitive Papers: The most polished papers should be submitted for inclusion in competitive sessions (max. 8,000 words inclusive of all materials, including appendices and references). Workshop/Interactive Papers: Papers in progress should be submitted for workshop sessions (max. 6,000 words inclusive of all materials, including appendices and references). PhD Track: PhD candidates and other young scholars are invited to present their work, at various stages of progress (from the proposal stage to post-fieldwork analysis, but max. 6,000 words in length). Two types of sessions - the workshop/interactive and the PhD track - are less formal and designed to provide researchers with shared interests the opportunity to discuss their work. We therefore encourage established scholars as well as young/new scholars to present and discuss their research in progress in these sessions. All competitive paper submissions will be subject to a double blind review process, whereas workshop papers and PhD track papers will only be reviewed by the hosting institutions, the EAMSA Board and the EAMSA Advisory Committee. Regarding all submissions, paper evaluation will be based on the following criteria: analytical rigor, methods applied, originality, significance of conclusions. Competitive papers, workshop/interactive papers and PhD track papers (full papers, not just abstracts) should reach the conference academic coordinator by July 10, 2012. This deadline will not be extended. Please refer to the detailed submission instructions page at for additional information on how to prepare and submit your paper. Notification of approval and inclusion in the conference program will be sent out in early September 2012. All accepted papers will be included in full length in the conference proceedings. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit their work to a special issue of <> Asian Business & Management. One paper will be honored with the EAMSA Best Paper Award. For up-to-date information about the conference and related matters, please check the conference website at <> . Information will be added successively. Any questions regarding this call for papers should be addressed to the organizers at the National University of Singapore (mailto:[log in to unmask]). Organizing Committee: Hendrik Meyer-Ohle, National University of Singapore (Chair) Martin Hemmert, Korea University, Korea Rolf D. Schlunze, Ritsumeikan University, Japan Michael A Witt, INSEAD Singapore Yeo Lay Hwee, EU Centre Singapore (Advisory) Andrew Delios, National University of Singapore (Advisory) ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. 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