It is with great sadness that I share this news. Our friend, Susan Houghton shared her life with many of us, teaching, organizing and innovating. She was one of the very earlier adopters of hoophouses and also a co founder of Organic Growers of Michigan,
a farmer-founded and based organization to help other farmers manage their farms using sustainable practices and grow organically. Below is her obituary and note that memorial donations are being accepted by Giving Tree Farm in Lansing, Mi where she developed
a program of vegetable, herb and flower production that aided (and still does today) persons who were impacted by an injury and then need assistance to regain occupational skills. Not only did she develop a profitable organic produce business but also served
many persons with the opportunity to engage in the healing virtues of growing food while they grew in confidence and ability. I will miss Susan- her wisdom, enthusiasm and sense of adventure.
Vicki Morrone
Center for Regional Food Systems at Michigan State University
Specialist for Organic Farming
480 Wilson Rd Room 303
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-353-3542/517-282-3557 (cell)