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Are you researching Social Media?



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Dear colleague,

The Advanced Series in Management would like to invite you to submit your research to an exciting new volume on the theme of:


Social Media and Management

For this volume, we are inviting chapters that will increase our understanding of how the use and management of social media technologies is evolving, using the most rigorous social scientific methods and tools.

Click here to read the full call for chapters!

Deadline for expressions of interest:
31st July 2012

Kind regards,


Tanya Bondarouk
University of Twente, The Netherlands
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Miguel R. Olivas-Luján
Clarion University of Pennsylvania, USA
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Benefits of publishing your work in the Advanced Series in Management


·      Advanced Series in Management is listed on the Thomson Reuters Books Citation Index and Scopus databases

·     Volumes in the series are available in print and e-book form, as well as through the Emerald database. To read previous volumes and find out more information on this book series, click here.


Miguel R. Olivas-Lujan, Ph.D.   .:.   Professor   .:.   Administrative Sciences
Clarion U of Pennsylvania   .:.   840 Wood St.   .:.   Clarion, PA 16214
Tel: +1.814.393.2641   .:.   Fax: +1.814.393.1910
Call for chapters on Social Media in Management 
Series Editor, Emerald's Advanced Series in Management 
Let me know your thoughts on Dr Olivas' blog 

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