Dear all


*apologies for cross posting*


I’m following up Monday’s note by sharing two further tables of contents: Cross Cultural Management and Baltic Journal of Management.  Both are in SSCI; both are worthy of your attention.  Please enjoy the articles, which are listed below and available at the following links:


Cross Cultural Management Vol 19 No 2


Baltic Journal of Management Vol 7 No 2


Best regards






National diversity and team performance in low interdependence tasks

Authors: Keith H. Sakuda

Keywords: Baseball teams, Diversity, Japan, National diversity, Sports, Team interdependence, Team performance, United States of America


The impact of knowledge sharing and Islamic work ethic on innovation capability

Authors: Naresh Kumar, Raduan Che Rose

Keywords: Employees behaviour, Innovation capability, Islamic work ethic, Knowledge sharing, Knowledge sharing capability, Malaysia, Public sector organizations


The impact of cross-cultural dynamics on change management

Authors: Christina Kirsch, John Chelliah, Warren Parry

Keywords: Change management, Cultural dimensions, Employees behaviour, National cultures


The effect of personality traits on private brand consumer tendencies: A cross-cultural study of Mediterranean countries

Authors: Ram Herstein, Sigal Tifferet, José Luís Abrantes, Constantine Lymperopoulos, Tahir Albayrak, Meltem Caber

Keywords: Brands, Consumer behaviour, Cross culture, Greece, Israel, Portugal, Private labels, Turkey


Examining the influence of cross-cultural training on cultural intelligence and specific self-efficacy

Authors: Michael T. Rehg, Michael J. Gundlach, Reza A. Grigorian

Keywords: Cross-cultural training, Cultural intelligence, Intelligence, Lectures, Self-efficacy, Training


The direction of cultural distance on FDI: attractiveness or incongruity?

Authors: Linghui Tang

Keywords: Cultural distance, Foreign investments, Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effe, Hofstede, National cultures, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop


The hybridization and internationalization of HRM in the Maghreb: Examining the case of commitment and intention to quit amongst employees of multinational companies

Authors: Soufyane Frimousse, Abdelaziz Swalhi, Mouna El Alaoui El Wahidi

Keywords: Algeria, Commitment, Convergence, Employees turnover, Human resource management, Hybridization, Intention to quit, Internationalization of HRM, Libya, Maghreb, Mauritania, Morocco, Multinational companies, Tunisia






Developing brand identity for Slovenia with opinion leaders

Authors: Maja Konecnik Ruzzier

Keywords: Brand identity, Countries, Country brand, Delphi method, I feel Slovenia, Opinion leaders, Slovenia


Knowledge ambiguity, innovation and subsidiary performance

Authors: Francesco Ciabuschi, Oscar Martín Martín

Keywords: Competitive advantage, Innovation, Knowledge ambiguity, Knowledge transfer, Multinational companies, Subsidiaries, Subsidiary performance, Tacitness, Transfer worthiness


Antecedents of knowledge transfer in acquisitions

Authors: Ieva Martinkenaite

Keywords: Absorptive capacity, Acquisitions, Acquisitions and mergers, Arduous relationship, Knowledge ambiguity, Knowledge management, Knowledge transfer


The board: a change agent?

Authors: Bjorn Kolltveit, Bjørn Hennestad, Kjell Grønhaug

Keywords: Boards of directors, Change agents, Change management, Critical decisions, Implementation, Norway, Organizational change, Organizational changes and effectiveness


Is there a coherence between organizational culture and changes in corporate social responsibility in an economic downturn?

Authors: Krista Jaakson, Anne Reino, Pille Mõtsmees

Keywords: Competing values framework, Corporate social responsibility, Economic downturn, Estonia, National economy, Organizational culture


Entrepreneurial orientations of business students and entrepreneurs

Authors: Tiit Elenurm

Keywords: Business development, Core competences, Entrepreneurial orientations, Entrepreneurialism, Estonia, Start-ups, Training







Dr Martyn Lawrence

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Business, Management and Economics Division

Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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