



The Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University in New York City is launching its Executive MBA program in the fall 2012. Our program anticipates two summer study abroad trips; the first to Israel in 2013; and a second to an emerging market in Asia or South America.


We are looking for an insitution that would permit our 20 graduate students to join with their students during the summer of 2014. This would help us jump-start our program and supplement our faculty development efforts.


Any advice or information to assist us is greatly appreciated. To learn more about about the Syms School's EMBA program visit:


Send any feedback to:


Dr. Fred Palumbo

Syms School of Business

Yeshiva University

500 West 185th Street - BH 424

New York, NY 10033-3201

Email: [log in to unmask]

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