Call for Papers “Work and Employment in the Asian Century” The Organising Committee is pleased to invite submissions for proposed presentations at the 8th Asian Regional Congress of the International Labour & Employment Relations Association (ILERA), to be held in *Melbourne, Australia on 9-12 April 2013 * Abstracts are invited on the general theme of “Work and Employment in the Asian Century”. Papers presented at the Congress will be organised around the four broad track themes listed below. We also invite individuals and research groups to submit an Expression of Interest to convene their own “Special Interest Symposium” as part of the Congress meeting. Full details are also listed below. Track Themes * * *1. Changing contours of employment relations systems and labour market regulation. * To examine developments in employment relations systems and labour market regulation in different Asia-Pacific countries. This track includes both national and comparative studies, and submissions that deal with employment relations practices, labour law or aspects of labour market regulation, including: employment security, wage regulation and social protection, enforcement, training and skill development, productivity enhancement, and related topics. * * *2. HRM – trends and challenges. * To explore the changing face of HRM and labour management-strategies in the Asia-Pacific region, differences in HR practices across different types of firms, the HR-performance relationship, managing work re-organization, as well as the future challenges for the management human resources in different country contexts. * * *3. The future of worker voice and representation. * To examine the related themes of worker voice and worker representation, including different forms of employee participation, dispute resolution procedures, and macro-level systems of social dialogue between unions, government, employers and other non-government bodies, new forms of worker representation, and union renewal. * * *4. Globalization, CSR and decent work. * The relationship between globalization, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and labour standards has been controversial. This track will examine a broad range of issues in the Asia-Pacific context, including: migrant labour, the impact of globalization on labour standards, ILO core labour standards, women and child labour, contingent labour, corporate social responsibility and the role of international institutions. Abstract / Paper Submissions You will be asked to indicate the Track Theme for your paper, and whether you would like to present your paper in (a) a Regular Track Session; (b) as a Roundtable Presentation; or (c) as a Poster. The Organising Committee reserves the right to re-allocate papers across themes and formats. All submitted Abstracts will be subject to a review process based on the following criteria: All abstracts must contain original work. The paper is related to the general theme or one of the four track themes. The paper is likely to encourage debate and the exchange of views between researchers. The paper provides new perspectives on work and employment relations that challenges conceptual boundaries and contributes to the generation of new ideas. Inclusion of your paper in the final program is conditional on registration as a Congress delegate. *The submitting author must register and pay the registration fee before the “Early Bird” deadline on 9 January 2013. *Papers of authors who do not register by the required deadline will be removed from the final program. Full papers must be formatted in a manner consistent with the “Guidelines for Authors”. Guidelines for Authors Abstracts must be written in English and be no more than *500 words *in length. Abstracts beyond this word limit will be returned to the author for amendment. All submissions, apart from Special Interest Symposia, are to be lodged electronically through the ILERA 2013 Congress website, using the abstract template available. A valid author’s email address is required. Abstracts can be submitted from *February 2012*, when the call for abstracts opens, until *28 September 2012. * There will be no hard copy submissions. If you cannot submit electronically, please contact the Congress Managers by email at [log in to unmask] or or by calling +61(3)9417 0888 for alternatives. Abstracts for *Special Interest Symposia *are to be emailed directly to Professor Fang Lee Cooke at [log in to unmask] There is no fee for submitting an abstract. Multiple abstract submissions are welcome. Authors will receive a written notification from the Congress Managers informing about the status of their submission on *22 November 2012*. Presenters whose abstracts are accepted within the Congress Program must confirm the offer to present their paper by registering for the Congress before the Early Bird deadline *9 January 2013. *Authors who do not register and pay by this date will have their papers removed from the program. Authors will have an option to submit their full paper by *13 December 2012. *Papers will be made available to Congress participants. Track themes are used as guidance for programming and will not necessarily determine where abstracts are placed in the program. Authors have the option to indicate as many (or as few) themes as apply to their abstract. *The submitting author *should be the *presenting author*. The person lodging the abstract will be the main point of contact for any correspondence regarding the presentation he/she has submitted. By submission of an abstract, the author(s) transfers copyright ownership to the Conference Managers for publication in the program Special Interest Symposia – Expressions of Interest The Academic Steering Committee invites individuals or groups of scholars to submit a proposal to run a “Special Interest Symposium”. These symposia should be on a theme related to general theme of this Congress meeting. A proposed Special Interest Symposium should provide a general description of the research theme for the proposed symposium. It should be written in English and be no more than 1000 words in length. Proposals should be emailed to Professor Fang Lee Cooke at: [log in to unmask] *Acceptance of a proposal to run a Special Interest Symposium is conditional on convenors paying the registration fee by the “Early Bird” registration deadline. * Key Dates to Remember *- Deadline for Special Interest Symposia: *27 July 2012 - *Deadline for Abstract Submissions: *28 September 2012 - *Author Notification *22 November 2012 - *Full Paper Submission Deadline: *13 December 2012 *- Author Registration Deadline *9 January 2013 *- Full Program Released *25 January 2013 *********** Dr Fang Lee Cooke Professor of Human Resource Management and Chinese Studies Department of Management Monash University Melbourne, Australia Email: [log in to unmask] ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.