International Theme Committee (ITC)
2012 Best International Dissertation Award
Dear AIB Members:
The International Theme Committee (ITC) is now accepting submissions for the inaugural Best International Dissertation Award, sponsored by the International Theme Committee of the Academy of Management. The deadline for nominations is 15th May 2012, midnight Eastern Standard Time.
Eligibility Criteria
The ITC Award for the best International dissertation or thesis is open to all PhD and DBA students who successfully defended their theses/dissertations between 1st January 2011 and 31st December 2011.
Dissertations/theses submitted to other competitions are eligible.
All applicants must be members of the Academy of Management.
Award Criteria
The dissertation must contribute to basic or applied knowledge on topics within the charge of the International Theme Committee
· Internationalize the Academy as an organization.
· Help Academy members improve their understanding of the internationalization of business trade and other forms of organizational transactions.
· Encourage Academy members to become exposed to or provide exposure for organizational scholarship being conducted outside of the U.S.
(a) The theme and content of the dissertation/thesis should reflect an awareness of business and management outside domestic boundaries
(b) The dissertation/thesis should be rich in the appropriate literature, offer new insights, and employ/suggest creative methodologies or models
(c) We value both mainstream and non-mainstream topics and methods
(d) The sample used in the dissertation/thesis should improve the understanding and internationalization of business trade and other forms of organizational transactions.
Submission Guidelines
Submit electronically a 15-page, double-spaced summary set up with margins of one inch (2.5 cm) on every side and no smaller than 12-point font. This summary should include the dissertation/thesis title, a description of the dissertation/thesis objective, theoretical foundations, relation to prior research, methodology, findings, limitations, and contributions to the field of international business. Listings of references are not included within the 15-page limit, but all other text, figures, tables or illustrations are included. Submit the summary in PDF format so that there is no author identification information. In a separate title page include your current affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number, the name of the institution where the Ph.D. or D.B.A. was obtained, the name of your thesis advisor, and six keywords describing the topic of your dissertation/thesis.
Submit via E-mail to ITC Dissertation Award Co- Chair, Claire Simmers [log in to unmask]
Submission deadline for summaries is 15th May 2012, midnight Eastern Standard Time.
Evaluation Process
The 2012 selection committee consists of:
Claire Simmers (co-chair), Saint Joseph’s University; Eric Zhao (co-chair), University of Alberta School of Business; Adela McMurray, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University; Benson Honig, McMaster University; Adrian T H Kuah, James Cook University; and Rosa Nelly Trevinyo-Rodríguez, EQUUS Parque Corporativo.
The committee will select three to five finalists based on how they meet the ITC criteria.
Finalists are required to present their dissertation/thesis in poster format at the Carolyn Dexter Award Reception.
Please submit your summary ONLY if you agree to this requirement, and agree to be present at the Carolyn Dexter Award Reception at the 2012 Academy of Management Meeting in Boston where the winner is announced. Being selected as a finalist is an honor with international recognition.
Recognition for first place is a plaque commemorating the winner's outstanding dissertation/thesis.
Contact either co-chairs for additional information
Claire A. Simmers, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor
Management Department MV 323
Erivan K. Haub School of Business
Saint Joseph's University
5600 City Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131
610-660-1229 (fax)
[log in to unmask]Eric Yanfei Zhao
PhD in Strategy and Organization Theory
University of Alberta School of Business
National Institute for Nanotechnology
Canadian Center for Corporate Social Responsibility
2-24 Business Building
Edmonton, AB, Canada
T6G 2R6