

Thursday, March 15, 3:30 PM -- Prof Pamela Matson — "Transitions to Sustainability in Agriculture: Biogeochemistry Meets Sustainability Science" Department of Environmental Earth System Science, Stanford University
115 Eppley Center (The Eugene C. Eppley Center is on Shaw Rd on  Michigan State University campus, connected to the North Business Complex) 
Contact: Prof. Tom Dietz, MSU for more info.
EEBB program at MSU, Cosponsors: Environmental Science & Policy Program and Kellogg Biological Station

Sieg Snapp (MSU Dept of Crops and Soil and KBS)  indicated that she expects Dr. Matson should give a good talk of interest to folks in sustainable food systems and organic agriculture.
Hope to see you there

Vicki Morrone
Outreach Specialist for Organic Production
303 Natural Resources
East Lansing MI 48824
517-353-3542/517-282-3557 (cell)
517-353-3834 fax

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