*Forum for a Fair Farm Bill:* 6:30 pm on Wednesday March 21st Perspective 2 in Old Town 319 East Grand River Ave Lansing, MI 48906 Please spread the word and come out to the *Forum for a Fair Farm Bill! *This event is being put on by Food and Water Watch in partnership with many other food and farming organizations. We are talking with Senator Stabenow's office about sending a representative to the forum. A new draft of the Farm Bill is being prepared soon so the timing of the event is key to making your voices heard! I hope to see you there. *Speakers Include:* Sandra Nordmark of Michigan Farmers Union Kendall Lockwood of National Farmers Organization Cynthia Price of Greater Grand Rapids Food Systems Council -- Melissa Hornaday, Great Lakes Organizer Organic Farming Research Foundation 313-525-2372 [log in to unmask] www.ofrf.org Join the OFRF Action Network Today! http://ofrf.org/action/action.html If you would like to access previous postings to the Mich-Organic listserv you can copy and paste the following URL into your browser address bar http://list.msu.edu/archives/mich-organic.html